Folks (women) in media are talking about the abuse and harassment they get again.

I thought about sharing some of the specifics of the kinds of emails folks (women) I personally know and/or work with have received for doing the job of reporting on the news.
I decided not to, because just as I don't believe videos of black death change minds, I don't believe that screenshots of abuse and harassments and threats get folks in our industry to change norms and policies.
What works? If you are a person (especially if you are a white man in a visible position of power) who sees what is happening to your friends and your colleagues, intervene. Change the norms in your personal and professional networks. Check your friends and family and colleagues.
I've been doing community management in one form or another more more than half my life. It's not "trolls". It's people, and often people with power. At the FT it was investment bankers and hedge fund managers and the gold-obsessed day traders.
People will use their real names. They will use their professional affiliations. (Look at LinkedIn the next time you want to argue that real-name policies are some kind of anti-abuse panacea). They will sign their racist or xenophobic or sexist screeds with "Kind Regards".
You know some of these people. You are friends with some of these people. You are some of these people. We tell the folks facing harassment and abuse and stalking to "block and report" when what we need to also be doing is holding both the abusers and the enablers accountable.
You can follow @s_m_i.
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