Damn, the action in HiGH&LOW: THE WORST (Sigeaki Kubo, 2019) delivers.

If you're unfamiliar with the franchise, it's a story of rival gangs, Japanese boys bands, cool one-takes, and ambitiously revitalising Crows-Zero-like set pieces.

Buckle up, it's action thread time! ⬇️
The scene above comes from the latest film in the series, which is a spin-off of the main storyline explored in the TV show and the main movies. The franchise was created by a collective of Japanese boys bands called the Exile Tribe.
The 2-season TV show sprung various media entries (mangas, anime, concerts, game), and of course a few movies. The main trilogy is what I'm most familiar with, and let me tell you: they're among the most generous action films of recent years. Each features a third act almost...
...entirely devoted to action, with other fight scenes sprinkled throughout their runtime. Each also features logistically inconceivable tracking shots. See for example this one from HiGH&LOW: THE MOVIE (Sigeaki Kubo, 2016), and its delightful use of vertical camera movements.
I know enough about the show to know that those tracking shots were already a staple of the franchise from its beginnings, but the movies refined and amplified them. It's far from the series' only trick though. Check out this badass car chase from HiGH&LOW 2: END OF SKY:
Here's another one of those killer Steadicam takes from part 2 as well. All 3 films in the trilogy have the same director (Sigeaki Kubo), but also the same action director: Takahito Ôuchi, who was the stunt coordinator on the Rurouni Kenshin trilogy, as well as a part of...
…the stunt team in films such as FLASH POINT, BODYGUARDS & ASSASSINS, and CROWS ZERO. I really like what's been done in HiGH&LOW. While some hits lack impact (bound to happen with such chaotic, sprawling brawls), the ones that count don't, and most of the stunts are impressive.
HiGH&LOW 3: FINAL MISSION takes the play on vertical camera movements to extremes during its one-take show-off scene, switching floors, climbing walls and jumping off them. There is better energy, scenography, diversity in action in these films than most competitors in the genre.
Because here's the thing with action one-takes: you have to create the editing without cutting. What I mean is that if you have two people fist-fighting with no change in setting, lighting, situations, or camera movement, then it becomes very boring very fast. The HiGH&LOW...
…series understands this, and strives for ever more varied ways of making its one-takes more dynamic, more attention-grabbing, more involving on a sensory level while refining the "invisible" digital transitions. Results aren't perfect, but they're ambitious and exciting.
Plus, as I said, the franchise doesn't rely entirely on this one trick to impress, far from it. I think it has a lot to offer to action fans. I like this scene from FINAL MISSION, which highlights both team work and personal physical prowess.
Now, it's easy to get lost in the storylines because there are tons of characters and factions, but I don't mind that very much, I'm more interested in taking in the films visually. Now, for the tricky part: how to watch those movies...
Unless you live in Asia, you have to import them, which can be costly. I don't think they're streaming anywhere, and I'm not aware of any western release. I got my DVDs on YesAsia. Japanese editions for THE MOVIE/THE WORST (no subs), Taiwanese editions for 2 & 3 (English subs).
You can also try CDJapan (Japanese editions only). I have not seen THE RED RAIN, another spin-off movie, or the original TV show yet, aside from a few videos online, so it's not impossible that I will expand this thread in the future.
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