DC Mayor Muriel Bowser says residents have to quarantine for 14 days if they're engaging in non-essential travel from a high-risk state even if they test negative for Covid.
There's also no essential worker opt-out. If you come into the District after engaging in non-essential travel from a high risk state, you have to quarantine for 14 days, period.
DC Department of Health Director LaQuandra Nesbitt says contact tracers will begin home visits to individuals who don't complete the interview or can't be reached via phone.
Home visits will help tracers assess whether individuals need additional social services, like alternative housing, food, or medication to quarantine successfully
Some examples of positive Covid cases in the District
90% of positive DC Covid cases who attended a social event attended an event that had less than 50 people, which is within the current guidelines in DC.
Out of 971 positive DC Covid cases, 102 engaged in travel. 71.1% engaged in plane travel, 33.3% in rideshare, and 6.7% in public transportation.
DC DOH Director LaQuandra Nesbitt stresses that even in small gatherings, people need to wear masks and social distance when around members who aren't part of their household.
DC DOH Director LaQuandra Nesbitt says indoor dining is high risk, but that a higher proportion of cases are attributed to travel and the workplace. She says social events and travel are the things she's most concerned about.
Mayor Bowser says after talking with Al Sharpton about her concerns about his March on Washington, the event is being reimagined. The "march" will be a seated event and people will likely have to request a pass to attend
Al Sharpton's event will be livestreamed so people across the country can watch; the event will likely be limiting or not permitting travel for attendees from hotspots
DC Mayor Bowser says she has a lot of concerns about the upcoming November election. "We all need to be braced for an attack on the vote by mail system." She says she'll be convening a meeting with the DC board of elections this week to prepare for that reality.
DC officials say there was deployment of pepper spray by DC police while arresting protestors Thursday night in Adams Morgan. 41 arrests were made, 37 for rioting, 4 for assault on a police officer.
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