1) I haven’t read Finding Freedom & don’t have any plans to (My personal preference is to skip the Royal “biographies” that journalists write)

But like most fans, my feed has been littered with excerpts. Most of them I’ve ignored but there is one that I feel the need to address
2) Now these are Omids words, his personal opinion but considering he just wrote and entire book about Meghan, a proud and vocal feminist, these words are massively concerning to me.

He is a man, perpetuating anti-feminist views supposedly to support Meghan
3) After writing an entire book, spending two years collecting research & interviews & becoming known as a “pro-Meghan” journalist he still fails to understand the most basic part of feminism.

It’s about choice, about allowing women to choose how they want to live their lives
4) For thousands of years Women had virtually no choices outside of the home, we were expected to be wives and mothers, to look after for the young and care for the old.

Feminism is very simply giving women the choice to be whatever it is that they want to be
5) This means that you can be a doctor or an engineer, a teacher, CEO, a politician, a wife, a lawyer, a scientist, a mother, a nurse or literally anything else

And it enrages me that women who choose to fill a more “traditional” role are belittled for that choice
6) Some women WANT to fill what is considered to be a traditional role.

It does not erase their value or make them less than & I am sick of people who are supposed to be progressive putting women down for their choices. I am especially sick of men doing this.
7) I’ve always loved kids, I’ve loved working with kids, playing with them & being around them. Kids are amazing, messy, beautiful, hilarious & they bring me joy.

Now I’m still young but I’ve always wanted to be a mother & I would love to be able to be a full time mother one day
8) Obviously, this is not everyone’s dream and that is perfectly fine, but everyone needs stop acting like the women who want to fill a more traditionally feminine role can’t also be progressive, intelligent, beautiful and valuable women
9) It is so damaging to hear from other women & feminist allies that what you want isn’t enough or isn’t good enough.

I am a proud feminist, I support all women and their right to make whatever choices are best for them, even if it’s not a choice I would make for myself
10) To quote one of my favorite Feminst idols, @EmmaWatson

“Feminism is about equality and it is about choice...Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with.”
11) For someone who spent two years with an avid feminist, a woman who supports and empowers other women, Omid still seems to lack a fundamental understanding of feminism and what it means to be an ally.

Omid needs to do better.
12) Now don’t misunderstand, I am in no way attributing Omids lack of understanding to Meghan.

Its never a woman’s job to explain this to a man.

It is ALWAYS the responsibilty of an ally to listen & understand the perspective & experience of the oppressed
13) Catherine is not “old-fashioned” or less “progressive” because she has chosen to be a wife and mother and focus most of her work on children.

& This goes both ways

Meghan is not a “diva” or “difficult” because she chooses to be more outspoken & prioritize her work
14) Basically people (in this case it’s specifically Omid) need to stop putting women in boxes & assigning their value or worth in society based on how you want see women because that is more comfortable to you.

Women are multi faceted & valuable no matter what choices they make
15) Catherine & Meghan are both powerful, intelligent & Caring women.

Putting one of them down because it’s too difficult for you to see two powerful women making different choices & both being equally happy only demonstrates how “Old Fashioned” & “Past-Era” you are @scobie
Meghan has never said anything negative about Catherine. It’s fine that the two of them might not be BFFs but they have both been respectful to one another in public

Don’t drag Meghan, especially not in response to an entire thread about how putting women down is the problem.
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