We are torn about what kind of message to give to Texas examinees right now. Realistically, the more October (online) looks non-viable, the more September (hotel) looks like the best bet for getting a license in 2020. This punishes examinees unwilling/able to take health risks.
A doomsday outlook for October also makes September less safe overall. We've been saying for months that the problem with a multi-test strategy is that the BLE needs BOTH to work in order to have a functioning plan. September takers currently have the Oct. fall-back position...
But, the more October looks like a dumpster fire, the less likely a hypothetical COVID-positive September taker sees October as an alternative to showing up to the hotel sick. The entire point of October was to be a fail-safe option.
Add to this that if the BLE/SCOTX gets creative with October (apprenticeship/open-book) but not September, an already-unfair two-test solution would turn into a total farce. You'd have a situation where folks' passage is based on choice of test.
BLEs and courts across the country have been tying themselves in knots trying to exclude people from the profession. They've created intricate and involved plans for picking and choosing who works and who does not. Enough.
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