Are you pursuing financial freedom?💸

Before starting the journey, ensure you have the foundations in place to achieve your goal.

Let's talk about self-improvement, preparation and starting the domino effect to success.

A Thread ~

Physical Health > Mental Health > Success

Physical Health ~

If you start to look after your body, your body will look after you, which in time will start to look after your well-being.

The five key aspects of physical health:

- Eating well
- Physical activity
- Hygiene
- Relaxation
- Sleep

Eating well 🥦

You have probably heard of the expression 'you are what you eat'.

This is said because of the impact your dietary consumption has on your well-being.

If your diet is trash, you will generally feel trash - it's a viscous, addictive cycle leading you one way.

Avoid eating processed food that come via a Trojan horse of convenience including pre-packaged meals, ready-to-eat and frozen.

These are generally filled with:

- Additives
- Trans-fat
- High levels of Sodium
- High sugar content

They are addictive, to keep you coming back!

Concentrate on eating simpler, more wholesome meals with fresh ingredients.

Take it back to basics:

- Grains
- Protein
- Vegetables
- Fruits

Do not sleep on snacks, swap chocolate bars, cakes and crisps for some mixed nuts,

unsalted of course - do not be an amateur.

Avoid drinking calories as much as possible and drink plenty of water to keep hydrated.

Unpopular, but avoid alcohol consumption.

The benefits:

- Better moods
- Be healthier
- Lose weight
- No hangover
- Save money
- Sleep better
- You will feel better

To name a few.

Physical activity 🏃‍♂️

Physical activity simply means movement of the body that uses energy.

For health benefits, physical activity should be moderate or vigorous intensity.

Examples of easy start exercises for a low cost:

- Brisk walk
- Run
- Strength training
- Swimming

Start off short in distance, paced and light.

Increase, as your capability increases.

It will not be long before you start feeling the benefits:

- Improved self-esteem
- Increased energy levels
- Reduced stress
- Improved muscle tone and strength

To name a few.

What helps you feel the psychological benefits of exercise is the production of a natural chemical endorphin.

Endorphins trigger a positive feeling in the body, like that of morphine.

Endorphins diminish the feeling of pain as it acts as an analgesic.

Have you heard of runner's high?

This is the euphoric feeling that follows a workout, usually accompanied by a positive and energizing outlook on life.

Notice that we are touching on the mental benefits of physical activity,

the domino effect is in motion.

Hygiene 🚿

Hygiene is defined as any action taken to maintain health and prevent disease.

- Showering
- Washing hands
- Brushing teeth
- Flossing

Good personal hygiene will keep you healthy and boost your mood.

Relaxation 📚

In modern times, our schedules are usually packed with events,

always switched on trying to get ahead.

There is nothing wrong with a bit of "me time":

- Massage/spa
- Playing sports
- Reading
- Socializing
- Watching a movie
- Video gaming (in moderation)

Sleep 🛌

It is very important to maintain a regular sleep pattern,

give your body the routine it craves.

Do not be a victim of poor sleep:

- Emotional instability
- Fatigue
- Memory issues
- Sluggishness

Well rested = Well prepared,

sleep like a champion.

A physically healthy person is:

- Active
- Does not get tired easily
- Does not get sick easily
- Is strong
- Is full of energy

Look at the benefits gained when maintaining your physical health,

why would you not want to?

Mental Health ~

As you can tell,

improving your physical health will improve your mental health.

Good mental health will lead you to have:

- Better focus
- Calmness
- Clearer thinking
- Improved moods
- Improved relationships
- Reduced risk of depression

To name a few.

The material you consume can have a negative impact on your well-being,

much like your dietary,

be conscious of your mental consumption also.


- Excessive video gaming
- Gossip
- M-S-N
- Pornography
- Negative conversations
- Negative people

To name a few.

So, being active, stronger and full of energy,

as well as being focused, calm and of a good mindset,

you are fully prepared to pursue your goal.

By improving your physical health,

and your mental health,

you have started the domino effect to success.

Be accountable for yourself and take action,

and remember -

Success will come when preparation meets opportunity.

✅Good Physical Health
✅Good Mental Health



The only one who can stop you now,

is yourself.
If you have made it this far, thank you. 🙏

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I would love to hear it.

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(Please remember that this is an opinion piece that you may not agree with - and that's okay!)
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