Few years ago, I didn't care about transactivism. The reason why I started to express myself about it is that it's becoming louder and louder inside feminism. It even starts to erase women inside their own movement.
I interpret this as a masculine attempt to prevent women from expressing themselves.
Men had always tried to silence women by using many different ways. Now, they act from inside, they infiltrated our struggle and colonized it.
They call us "menstruator", "vagina haver" or "womxn". I'm not a menstruator nor a vagina haver, i'm a woman. I'm a woman because even before I was born, when I was inside my mother's belly, I was considered different.
And since the day I was born, the entire society oppressed me because I have female genitals. Because of my female genitals, I went through experiences that no man on earth can understand and that's what makes me a woman.
That's why I don't allow men who'd like to become women to talk in the name of us. Trans people definitely are oppressed too, but we're not talking about the same oppression.
Also, as a feminist, I stand against gender stereotypes, and I believe that transactivism only make them stronger. I feel hurt when I see that men who want to become women suddenly start to wear dresses, high heels and make up.
All of this is part of patriarchal tools that men created to oppress us. It is not what make us women. We are women because of our XX chromosomes, we are women because (unless problem) we can carry babies, because we were born with clitoris and vulvas, etc. It's biology. Science.
When I see men wearing make up and calling themselves women, I feel that they make fun of us.
If the blackface is racist, dressing up with skirts and calling yourself a woman when you're a man is sexist.
Also, I want to say that i make a big difference between transactivism which is a violent ideology, and trans people who suffer and don't attack anybody. I'm not against the people, I'm against a sexist ideology. Same as I hate Church but I don't hate christians.
Many people insult me for my statements, and also tell me that I hurt them. My goal is of course not to hurt them, but I have the right to say what I think as long as I don't call for hate or discrimination. And they have to understand that with their ideology, they hurt me too.
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