Got another question for you people regarding college n a levels for first years goin into second year. Have yous been set work to complete over summer n if so how much?
Do you feel as if the lack of support from college over the summer as well as the lockdown has had a negative affect on your wellbeing and mental health ?
Have college actually given you a proposal of what is going to happen when you go back there or when you are going back ?
Do you feel nervous about going back to college with the social distancing aspect being involved? (E.g- potential bus/route changes to get there, or having to be within bubbles on the premises)
Do you prefer the idea of potentially being on site for 2/3 days a week but have each day crammed into one ? (Would this be a more beneficial way to study)
Do you feel concerns or are worried at the fact that if there is a second lockdown or college needs to close then predicted results would or wouldn’t be a fair representation of your performance in the time you’ve been there ?
With the results teachers have given for your UCAS. Would they be enough to get into your desired university? (Only Appt if you want to go there)
You can follow @mxrganhulme7.
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