Am informed @DouglasKMurray has called me a 'race-baiter' & 'clown', example of why universities should feel the heavy hand of the state (!)

On one point I must defer to him. He knows far far more about the practice of racism & race-baiting (as opposed to analysis) than I do.
(He's no clown though. I'm full of humour but there's nothing funny about his brand of racism).
It really gets up the nose of posh retrogrades like him that there are dark-skinned outspoken females at Cambridge--that's supposed to be his jagir (Urdu for 'fiefdom').

Sucks, Douglas, I know. Deal with it.
If @DouglasKMurray had a slogan, it might read 'Make Oxbridge White Again.'
Funny quite how much state interference these 'small government' types seem to want in universities--and how much cancelling of pesky duskies.
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