So, this particular man didn't want his son to marry the lady of his choice because he heard rumors that she was a runs girl. But his son insisted. Now married with 2 kids. His father, who never hid his disdain for the lady, decided to play smart.
Because he had always suspected his daughter-in-law, he suspected that the kids may have been fathered by another man. He found a way to get the kids over to his house to spend some time with him during which he arranged and had their DNA analyzed with his.
DNA showed there was no connection whatsoever between him and the kids. He called his son and broke the news. Panic ensued. His son did 2 DNA tests at different facilities, which showed that he is indeed the biological father of the kids.
Hearing this, the man got unsettled and started asking questions. Decided to run a DNA test on his son. Test came out negative! Sadly, his wife is late.
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