We have all been looking at the latest crop of IFVs coming to the market, such as the KF41 Lynx, which sport high levels of armour. STANAG level 6 as reported.

But Russia is coming out with the AU-220M 57mm remote weapon turret. Which can be fitted to a slew of vehicles.
We have seen this hefty 57mm cannon fitted to BMP-3, Kurganets-25, and T-15. That is a sizeable portion of future Russian AFVs that would be capable of taking this weapon system.
If Bumerang and BTR-80 can take it too (and dont see why not), it'll be all Russian armour.
So just as we are bringing out AFVs of our own with STANAG level 6, which protects against the ubiquitous 30mm autocannon in Russian and foreign service. It seems we are in need of a STANAG level 7 sooner rather than later.
Considering better protected vehicles (all other things being equal), tend to be heavier and larger. This comes with an increased cost in acquisition, maintenance, deployment, etc.

There is an argument to be made to have a weight split in AFVs.
Heavy APCs and IFVs using MBT chassis or components, such as the Israeli Namer, or the Russian T-15 will clearly have the protection levels to withstand something like a 57mm cannon.

But can we afford to replace every medium weight AFV with something like this?

Namer weighs 60 tonnes.
T-15 supposedly weighs around 50 tonnes.
And KF41, we do not have a firm figure, but it can be up to 50 tonnes. Though I suspect that is with an additional armour package.

So we are clearly getting really close to heavy IFV weights with our future IFVs.
I probably shouldn't be writing this while it's 9AM but I haven't slept yet, but these are the thoughts that go through my brain as I lay in bed. Call me crazy.

But it's definitely not helping me be coherent. Bear with me please.
There is a need for protected mobility that can withstand most of the weapons the enemy can bring to bare against it.

Something like Namer.

But these vehicles are very difficult to deploy, especially over large distances.
I was thinking about this all a few nights ago, but @nicholadrummond thread here really brought it to the fore. Because I think the simplicity of this chart, and his question really highlight the dilemma https://twitter.com/nicholadrummond/status/1295321422907219970
Knowing about this 57mm and what it brings to the table has me really stumped with it comes to Nick's chart and question as I think about it more.

Because I always want to reduce everything to the least possible unit types.
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