So for those of you who prefer Twitter to Instagram, I'm going to summarize today's Instagram post for you over here because I think it's really important for everyone to be aware. The UK government is giving £6.5 million to big brands to strengthen their supply chains.
Why does this matter? It's a continuation of colonialism within the fashion supply chain that continues to harm folks in traditionally pillaged countries. The money will go to fixing supply chains of some brands who even showed up on the #PayUp list.
#PayUp is a campaign which was launched after many fast fashion brands tried to cancel their clothing orders in Bangladesh when the pandemic began. This resulted in factory closures and more poverty for those who live around or below the poverty line. Many still have no paid.
So why on Earth would the UK government go,
"You know who we should trust with money to treat people fairly? All these big brands over here who don't pay their bills in the best of times." Because of imperialism. Gotta keep that power and those supply chains strong!
Meanwhile small, ethical brands who have done right by their employees and makers continue to suffer and shutter under the after math of COVID-19. But sure, sure, let's give £6.5 million to these brands who haven't done right so they can give supply chain workers HeAlThCaRe.
Why wouldn't the UK government instead invest in small, ethical and sustainable businesses who already aren't cutting any corners yet struggling to stay alive and have a hard time competing against the big brands? Why not that? Small business could do a lot with £6.5 million.
And why can't the CEOs and Board Members of those big brands receiving tax payer dollars instead donate their own salary for a year to this cause? Why should the tax payer pay for these companies to have these strategies when they're top heavy in the top salary department?
Why couldn’t these companies have done right from the jump? And WHY are tax payer funds expected to help them correct the problems made from their own devices??? I’m sorry are tax payers getting a cut of their profits?
Also I said “healthcare” in that font to indicate that it’s a joke. These brands are jokes. If you cannot pay and compensate people fairly but consistently church billions of dollars in profit YOU ARE A JOKE. (Healthcare isn’t, these companies are).
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