THREAD: I've just had the most extraordinary morning. I was waiting to get on the train to work & an elderly man asked me if the train was going to Cambridge. I said it was, & we got chatting - his name is JJ.
He had been shielding for 5 1/2 months & said his mental health had hit rock bottom. He dropped his phone 1 week in while cleaning it & the screen smashed, but he had no way of contacting anyone to arrange a replacement so he just didn't speak to anyone that whole time.
He has no family, & struggled to get food because he couldn't go to a cash machine for money to pay food delivery.
We kept chatting on the train - his dog also had to be put down just before lockdown - by this point we were both crying and he said that he didn't mind because sometimes it just feels good to sob with someone else.
We reached Cambridge and he was struggling to get over the footbridge - he revealed he had emphysema and stopped to take his inhaler - he said he's scared to go out because of all the people not wearing masks, but he just missed people too much.
We ended up going for a cup of tea and chatting for another 2 hours; he was a soldier for 22 years and was shot twice saving a 19 yr old new recruit.
He didn't mind because he said 'at least I was doing what I was trained to do & making a difference.' He has lived the most extraordinary life & seeing him light up talking about it was just so moving.
We swapped numbers & have arranged to go for a drink soon - 'just platonic, don't worry', he said with a wink. <3
I'm certainly someone who is guilty of living my life at a million miles an hour & in normal circumstances might not have stopped to chat to him. I'm SO glad I did.
Gosh. Thank you everyone for your kind words - I can't quite keep up and reply to everyone in person, but just to say JJ's phone is fixed & we're arranging to meet up - I'm trying to get some dogs to join too! I'll introduce him to all of you when we do ❤️ #HisNameIsJJ
GUYS!! BBC Radio 4 want to get JJ on to tell his story. I’m crying. Now he can share his stories with thousands. ❤️ #HisNameIsJJ
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