Much the same can be said of America as G. K. Chesterton said of Rome:

“Man could do no more.”
America is one of the greatest and noblest attempts to forge a Republic to make the human condition the least miserable it can be.

All men want the same thing: HAPPINESS.

America never promised that, but it did try to give to all the most freedom and best chance to PURSUE IT.
The current crop of leftist lunatics—like their odious predecessors—have a DEEP HATRED of the real, the actual, because it is not PERFECT.

So they burn and destroy that which is GOOD because it is not PERFECT, and so, fools that they are, trade the GOOD for the FAR WORSE.
“The PREFECT is the ENEMY of the GOOD.”
Christ reproached the Apostles for rebuking the woman who poured expensive oil on his head, instead of selling it and giving the money to the poor:

“For ye have the poor always with you.”

Christianity teaches us to show charity to the poor, because they are our neighbors.
Christianity nor Christ ever teaches us “Eliminate poverty!”

Is the elimination of poverty in any way REALISTIC? If yes, why haven’t we done it? If no, then why attempt the impossible or blame ourselves for failing to achieve it?

“For always have ye the poor.”

Still true.
The Christian teaching is not interested in "social justice” per se, but in doing good for our neighbors.

Those things ought never to be confused.

Justice always exists in the CONCRETE, INDIVIDUAL case — the modern “systemic” idea inexorably leads to INJUSTICE.
The combat “systemic injustice”, injustice is used. And it is evident and a truism that one cannot end injustice by means of injustice.

And one corrupts one’s own heart and character by engaging in the injustice “meant to” end injustice. When one does evil, one ceases to care.
As @FormerlyFormer just noted, it is ALSO a vice to practice a single virtue in isolation and as if it were absolute.

Including justice.

Especially when one's 'justice' is merely a pseudo-justice, a sham-justice, a paper-mache justice — which is what ’social justice’ is.
We are going to have to FIGHT for the life of our Republic. Antifa and BLM and their cohorts—their comrades—want nothing less than the destruction of America.

And many, many Americans want it to.

If we can’t defend it, we’ll lose. And claiming it to be without sin is false.
The question we need to throw in their faces until it sticks in their teeth and crawls down their throats and CHOKES them is:


Because non-stop rioting, looting, burning, war on one’s fellow citizens, and race hate, sure DOESN’T LOOK BETTER.
When elements in the rulers of the polity permit open insurrection, that polity is doomed unless a stop is put to it, decisively.
City and State leaders who ALLOW insurrection should be held accountable for the crimes of the insurrectionists—or at the very minimum, for a complete DERELICTION OF DUTY, since it was their sworn and sacred duty to PREVENT THIS.
It would be interesting and instructive, if we had a time machine, to throw a bunch of BLM protestors back to 1776, and say “Go on. Do the thing that they should and could have done. Let’s see it. End slavery.”
Atheists make endless chaff about how the Holy Scriptures do not explicitly condemn slavery (they always say “condone”, which is a lie, since the CONDEMNATION of slavery derives directly from Christian principles).

Christians were never TOLD to end slavery in Rome, but they did.
As I just reminded a “modern stoic” who seems to have forgotten, slavery and happiness are not incompatible.

As shocking as it may be to tender modern ears, there are worse things than slavery.

Freedom only ever gives on a chance at happiness and it isn’t necessary for it.
Moderns have been taught that freedom is the greatest possible good, but it is not. Freedom brings misery as often as happens, perhaps more often.

“Freedom” is what Satan wanted—even if you take that as a metaphor.

And living in Hell ≠ happiness.
Some estimates suggest that around half the Roman Empire consisted of slaves. Do you think THEY were, every man and woman of them, living bad lives for human beings?

You’d be a fool to think so.

It is true than ancient slavery ≠ modern race-based slavery, but no one cares.
Another famous remark by Voltaire, at the end of Candide: “Cultivate your own garden.”

Candide (= “Gullible” much like Swift’s Gulliver) learns about a kind of fantastic ‘social justice’ from his teacher, Dr. Pangloss ("All-wind”)—the book is about the ruin these teachings bring
We also, today, have our Dr. Pangloss’s — our “wise” academics who are “all wind.”

Robin DiAngelo comes to mind.
We need to break up, undermine, disrupt, and monkey-wrench this new cult of social justice whenever possible.

Have to go to mandatory forced diversity reeducation? Disrupt it by playing stupid—stupidity can’t be argued with—just keep saying “Yeah, but I’m not a racist."
“That’s bullshit. I’m not a racist,” repeated with a pure bullheaded stubborness will shut them up and shut them down.

Don’t argue. Just flatly deny their lies. Because they aren’t true, so you have no reason to debate them.
In Vietnam the communists tried to use the famous Chinese “brainwashing” techniques on POWs. They don’t work on those stubbornly set against listening to communists (which you should be).
Admiral Stockdale reports the Sergeant from Tennessee who simply replied “Bullshit!” to everything the communists told him or said.

They got nowhere with brainwashing THAT Sergeant.
Who DID get brainwashed by the communists?

I’ll give you one guess.

Right. The semi-educated, those who’d had a little college, an undergraduate degree.
Stockdale was also immune because he had STUDIED communist philosophy and not just communist philosophy. But he also found it necessary, in addition to arguing on some days, to feign madness on other days.
Become unpredictable.

They then won’t know what to do.

And they become impotent when forced off-script. They NEED their script. So don’t let them have it.
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