Thread, and a vote.

Weary of division and looking backwards, I’ve been working with @Reverend_Makers and others from all wings of Labour to state broad policies and principles we agree on.

It’s almost everything.
It’s not unfair to say @Reverend_Makers is from the left. I’m from the centre-left.

Other people involved want to remain secret because they don’t want abuse, but they’re from across the range of Labour opinion.
At the end of this thread I’m going to ask you to tell me how many you broadly agree with.

Yep, we can get tied up in detail, but this is to make you see how much we have in common. The fighting helps nobody.

And please: no abuse.
1. Action on inequality.

Despite being the 7th biggest economy, we have 9 of the 10 most deprived areas in Western Europe. Policies to address this will alleviate so many issues our citizens face, from jobs to health, and housing and education.
2. A policy for a green economy.

A cleaner future and better jobs, via wide-scale investment in renewables, infrastructure for charging points, home insulation and green technology / bank and employment.
3. Housing

Really significant investment in public housing, plus a major review of the rental sector – rent control, rights for people renting, etc. UK housing is mad and must be reformed. It helps owners and renters to do this.
4. Tax

Root-and-branch reform of the UK tax rules, which are currently designed for (and by) tax-evaders to build in loopholes they can exploit. It is desperately unfair that the very rich can simply opt-out of their contribution to society, and it has to be fixed.
5. Wealth tax

Land value and / or wealth tax, to shift the balance away from taxing decent, productive work, and towards taxing the exploitation of assets. You are taxed for doing something useful, while the very wealthy escape tax for hoarding vital assets.
6. Reform of Parliament

Because it is now the largest in the world except China (a nation 21x bigger). Most parliamentarians aren’t elected, and it is horrifyingly ineffective. Making govt more representative and fairer will bring about improvements through all of society.
7. Reform of voting

Because FPTP is incredibly undemocratic and unrepresentative, compared with practically any other voting system. Why should your vote be worth less than other peoples’? Why should your opinion mean nothing because your MP is from another party?
8. Work and training

A new, properly funded vocational education choice, plus a life-long retraining service for a world where “jobs for life” no longer exist. We can’t abandon people who, aged 50, find their job has vanished. Retraining is better than paying benefits.
9. A national childcare service

Allowing lower paid workers and women greater freedom to work / earn, giving security and early education to kids, and ensuring carers are properly paid and treated well
10. Universal Basic Income

A commission to examine UBI, to face the challenge when automation makes millions of jobs obsolete. It's been trialled in Finland, and productivity didn't drop. And most people agree mass automation is coming. We should be ready for it.
11. Modern defence

A review of defence, focusing on proper care for veterans (a “patriotic welfare policy”), and a “Digital defence force” to protect UK interests against malign overseas influence and digital attacks
12. International

Reinstate Dept for International Development (or something very similar) and restate our international responsibilities and values – this includes “soft power” that rebuilds UK’s tarnished reputation
13. Corruption

A review of political funding, seeking a way to achieve fair, cheap, and representative public funding, and ban all other forms of funding. “Donations” lead to corruption. It must end.
14. Action on tax-havens.

And work with other countries to prevent digital giants from avoiding their responsibilities (and helping to wipe out high street jobs) by shifting money around the globe to avoid tax.
15. Action on media ownership

We are a nation which suffers some of the worst misinformation in the developed world. It cannot be right that so few people have so much control over what we get to hear about our government.
I’m aware this is broad. And I’m aware it doesn’t mention Covid19 or Brexit/Immigration.

But we have no idea where we will be in 6 months. And these are ideas for 2024. No point arguing about Brexit until we know what happens in 2021.
So: without getting into “yeah, but” or endless debate about the details (which we all admit are complicated), please vote. How many of these are you on-board with?
This is not meant to be a manifesto. It’s simply to illustrate that people from all wings of the party have far more in common than not.

And that if we unify around those things, rather than picking at wounds, we can heal and be a strong voice for change.
So, if you have positive things to say, and if you want to be constructive and help to build on this agreement, please contribute below.

But if you just want to continue the negativity and bickering (from ANY wing of the party) please do it elsewhere.

Thank you.
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