a concise,introspective and easily comprehensible thread on why armin atleast is one the best written shonen fictional characters which betrays the general “righteous and intelligent” character trope~
his adventurous spirit,thirst to explore the world unseen has,unequivocally,had a pivotal influence on eren’s character,making him realise how valuable his freedom was and what the wondrous consequences of it could be.he is a symbolisation of humanity’s hope figuratively speaking
it goes without saying that armin is extremely intelligent,as he has proven on numerous ocassions and is capable of making rational decisions under even the most dire and mentally taxing situations
now coming to the part which distinguishes him from most “magnanimous brainy” characters would certainly be his ideology that to rise above evil,you would have to abandon your own humanity,which showcases his mature state of mind that sacrifices are necessary and inevitable
he has an exemplary twisted way of thinking as well,coming up will well drafted brutal situations or manipulative twisting words which i think is an extremely interesting quality any character can possess as they can muse a logic deprived of conscience while still being sane
armin has also proven to be incredibly observant of those around him as he describes mikasa’s senses to be with equal to that of a stray cat’s or being immediately able to mark her coping method behind her indifferent disposition to eren’s supposed death in the trost arc
he holds great value for human life but does not hesitate to take someone elses if threatened,which greatly overwhelmed his gentle nature the first time he killed someone but he learned to accept that his hands were stained
min has a very realistic approach to others and perceives that labelling a human as good or bad dehumanises them and that the side you are standing on counts, which is different in leaps and bounds to most characters who are judgemental of others labels
armin is selfless in nature even putting his own life at risk owing to his inferior mentality and considering himself as expendable.he also deeply cares for his friends and comrades,he full well realises the gravity of his sins and refuses to be labelled as a “good” human being
and as eren points out,he is indeed one of the bravest characters in the series,ready to give up his own life for a slight advantage. his unprejudiced take on life allows his to sympathise with annie and bertholdt once he utilises the power of the ct
armin however takes solace in the reassurance that his friends provide him that his mind is indeed a great asset to humanity. he loves his friends dearly.
in conclusion,the power he has,the beauty he has,the blond hair he has,the brain he has,the swag he has,the occasional creepy smile he has,the actually hazel but ok blue eyes he has.stan armin pussy boi.
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