tw // a6d , pedophilia , slurs , strong language

DISCLAIMER: i don’t care if you support a6d it’s your decision. i still love all my followers and moots that support him i just want to make more people aware! this is angry and worded strongly so only read if you feel comfy.
i’m making a rant thread because i want to. a6d is literally the most unapologetic, ableist, weirdest cc on this platform and i don’t understand how people can continue to stan him. not ONLY did he use retard against a STAN
(i can reclaim ‘retard’ as i have ASD)
he also continued to question WHY he couldn’t say retard. and u can say ‘ooh it’s language barriers’ but he knew well enough that it was an OFFENSIVE word or else he wouldn’t have used it as an insult. then he continued to DEFEND his usage of the word until he got called out asf.
AND THEN, ONLY A FEW DAYS AGO, HE CALLED HIS CHAT ‘FUCKING RETARDED’??? has he learnt NOTHING? it’s almost as if he thinks the usage of the word retard extends only to ‘cancel twitter’. when it fucking DOESNT. it’s been used as a derogatory word for decades but he chooses
not to educate himself on that, especially since all the people of twitter are urging him to because they’re just part of ‘cancel culture’. so he can ignore their polite request to read up on the history of the slur.
then he was incredibly rude to a stan of his after building up months of friendship. there was no apology, only harsh words. and it doesn’t feel good when your favourite cc does that to you. turns out he’s actually grooming them. how DISGUSTING is that? how the FUCK can people
defend this shit ??? over and over again. how can they defend someone who is ableist AND a groomer?? talking about BDSM + sex with kids is just unacceptable. i really don’t understand how they can see past his repeated mistakes.
remember the time he said ‘not all cops’. haha that was funny wasn’t it ?? people still stanned him. of course a6d loves that, didn’t he? because he never sees any issues in his actions and instead lives with the belief that he is never wrong. he ‘apologises’ but he
NEVER CHANGES. he does the same shit over and over again.
like bad-mouthing his friend on a livestream. how fucking low can you get? YES it was in the past but the point still stands. why would you bring it to the public eye when you could instead DM skeppy and speak like ADULTS.
AND NOW (apparently) he’s got a secret twitter account dedicated to stalking fans. let that sink in. a twitter account. DEDICATED. to STALKING fans. HOW FUCKED UP IS THAT? you block a CC to feel safer. they can’t see what you tweet and you can’t see what they tweet. that doesn’t
mean he has the right to create a new account to stalk his fans and make them feel unsafe. quite frankly, that’s fucking weird and disgusting. he’s literally stalking children 😐
listen, i’m not belittling anyone that still stans a6d, all i’m saying is that i hope they’re aware of who he is and all the fucked up shit he’s done. i still love them and i’m not gonna jeopardise them for supporting him but they should educate themselves.
if you made it to the end congrats. i’ve been angry for a while so i just needed to let it out somewhere where people would SEE it. have this as a reward <3
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