Truth is more Mystical than is commonly believed.

The only words one can use for Most Miraculous phenomenon is Magic.
The bible is filled with Prophets (Wizards), Angels, Demons, magical artifacts (ark of the covenant, Moses Staff, spear of destiny etc), Giants, talking snakes
The point Im making is this
My whole life i found Christian dogma a bit lacking in excitement

Its due to the way it was presented to me. If they told me Giants Died in the flood and their ghosts became evil spirits and the story about the walls of jericho i would have ate it up
Instead i was presented the Image of a Martyr that I should Have pity for and feel gratitude towards. Dont mistake my words.
Jesus was Poorly Portrayed to me. This was just my initial Take.

I adore the Stories Of the Old Testament because these men existed in a simpler time
These men existed in a time before scripture. And while the bible makes grandiose claims about what their lives were like i suspect they were similar to our own in ways.

The difference is Conviction in God and What is Right and True in this world Guided their Hands.
Because of this Conviction they were gifted ears for which to hear Gods Voice.

In later years their descendants became people of merit and Note and yet all of that lineage stops once we get a little into the new testament areas.

It always struck me as odd.
We know books were removed.

What guides me is this

I want the full story.
Im just a reader looking for the missing chapeters in the book of life.
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