How to solve all of America’s problems

1) every bank that’s “too big to fail” gets broken up
2) fed interest rate can’t be below 4%
3) 4 tax brackets w no write offs
4) no more executive orders
5) political parties are illegal
6) MBA programs are illegal
7) endowments pay tax
on holdings
8) illegal for tech companies to collect private data - target marketing banned
9) create strong core STEM curriculum for every accredited university
10) can only be a federal judge or Supreme Court justice if you went to state school
11) state colleges are free
12) bank loans w/ no personal guarantees only allowed for publicly listed C corps
13) all senior mgmt removed in event of a bankruptcy
14) term limits for congress and senate
15) Internet commerce pays state sales tax
16) mandatory 1 year post high school spent doing community
service (manual labor)
17) estate tax increase to 50% (block generational wealth transfer)
18) more tariffs on Chinese products
19) presidential veto power limited to twice in 4 years
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