We need to generally stop policing how people choose to use social media. Everyone expresses themselves in varying degrees of what is comfortable to them, and that shouldn't make us uncomfortable/ upset/ irritated.
It's something we all do, sometimes unconsciously, but something I'm also trying to be more aware of. From people upset people don't post their pregnancies, those who judge people for over exposing their kids, to those who make fun of people who keep relationships private.
Those who want to love out loud, those who judge SM activism, those who want to hold people to ransom for not speaking out etc etc. It's tiring. For some people social media is not the only place, if at all, where they express themselves.
It's these expectations that leads people to disingenuous performativity because people are jumping through hoops to navigate what constitutes 'respectable' norms that will garner the least displeasure/ blowback/ snark.
For some, what you might consider "oversharing" comes with ease, and is perhaps even enjoyable/ cathartic for them. If it makes you feel a way, it's worth exploring if you wish you could but aren't courageous enough to put yourself out there. Either way, it's none your business.
I truly believe when you are content in yourself and your choices, you are barely bothered by what others choose to do.
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