Grief is a natural feeling of Sadness we get when we lose a loved one(Friend , Family member etc).
It hurts but we need to learn how to manage it and live with it.

Dealing with Grief: A THREAD......

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We have to look out for our friends who are going through grief,it doesn't matter if they show physical signs or not.

Grief takes time to heal,the time frame depends on you as an individual,it also depends on how close the person that you lost was.

How to deal with grief:
★Express your feelings.Notice how you've been feeling,and try to put it into words.

★Think of someone that is sensible and understanding to talk to;Time of grief will reveal these people to you.

★Be with your loved ones/Friends,It'll help you feel less isolated and alone.
★Find meaning to the loss you experienced,We learn from everything. So ask yourself what you've learnt from it.
Losing someone will give you a new meaning to life.
Feeling the pain of losing someone is crazy,you're confused and ask yourself questions that you might not have answers to.

You want to talk to someone but you're feeling alone and you don't even know who to talk to and you don't even know if you'll be understood.
So it's very important you find someone you can talk to.

If you have a Friend who is going through the pain of losing someone,try to talk to them,let them know you'll always be there to make them feel better.
Losing someone will make you know people who are actually there for you.

It'll make you appreciate life more.

It'll also make you realize you need good people around you who will love you for who you are.
Grief can disturb your peace,find things you'll do for fun that'll make you forget about it.
You can do exercise,Yoga or could go for a stroll with your friends,these things are good for the mind.
Taking alcohol won't make you feel better,it'll only make you lose your mind for a short period of time and you'll be thinking it's all over till you're back to your right senses.
Griefing is a normal feeling,it can make you a better person if you want to and makes you remember the person you lost ,just make sure you're griefing in a healthy way and you'll be fine because griefing heals with time.

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