Getting a little bored of the arguments so here are my thoughts on diversity and representation in 40K. A short thread.
The arguments against diversity seem to boil down to “the lore doesn’t support it”. Unfortunately this fundamentally fails when you accept that lore is fluff to make toy soldiers more interesting to play with. It not set in stone, it’s regularly changed.
In fact just recently one of the guys involved in early GW dev openly stated that the lack of female marines was simply due to supply and demand at the time. That was the 80’s, times have changed.
Like it or not, SM are the flagship faction in 40K. They’re the army the majority collect, they have the broadest range and they’re in every starter set. They are for all intents and purposes the face of 40K.
They’re also, within the setting, the face of the Imperium. Humanities greatest heroes and mightiest protectors. Literally the stuff of legends. They also have the most written about them.
I’ve seen arguements that female SMs aren’t needed because there is already female representation in the form of SoB, Aldari, Drukhari, and Tyranids (lol). But really these are secondary to the issue. They’re not 8 foot tall super soldiers.
An aside. I’m not a fan of Aldari, Drukhari. There’s nothing wrong with them, they’re just not for me. So I don’t collect them. No one can force me to buy them. And that’s fine.
If GW added female SM I would probably buy them. I like the idea of a mixed force of super soldiers. Hell there are female marines in the real world, why not in our fictional far future hellscape?
Being female wouldn’t change the stats of the marines, they wouldn’t suddenly get more or less wounds. The only real difference would be a diversity of head sculpts and 51% of the population would suddenly be included in humanities finest.
Again to reiterate. If you don’t want to buy them or include them. No one could or would force you too. Luckily the real world is not the facist theocracy of the imperium. An inquisitor will not arrive to check your force is diverse.
So the only question I’m going to ask from now on when confronted with opposition to representation is this:
Given lore is fluff for toy soldiers, how would adding diversity to GW ranges affect you personally?
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