KNOWINGLY OBSTRUCTING the use of a demonstrably safe, effective and inexpensive therapy regimen during a worldwide pandemic IS a Crime Against Humanity!...Fauci, the fake news media, corrupt politicians and numerous social media platforms are ALL COMPLICIT in this conspiracy!!😡
The American People should DEMAND accountability and justice for those who died unnecessarily because of the WILLFUL NEGLIGENCE and MISCONDUCT of those responsible...History WILL record this as perhaps the greatest medical travesty in the World!!...
And, if you consider the point about “Military Tribunals” as “awkward”, “out of place” or even “inappropriate”, make NO MISTAKE, this specific dialogue between Sen. Lindsay Graham and Judge Kavanaugh was VERY IMPORTANT and PURPOSEFUL:
ADD this CLOWN to the list, of course! —
It’s certainly a WICKED WEB they WEAVE!! —
Medical certifications; professional reputations and key positions in hospitals, practices, labs and universities ALL hang in the balance!!...”Doing NO HARM” also means NOT purposefully withholding safe and effective treatment to patients who would CLEARLY benefit from its use!!
Let THIS Sink In! — The advent of penicillin in the early 1940s SAVED the Iives of COUNTLESS American soldiers!...Before it was successfully used in theater, it had NOT yet undergone “GOLD STANDARD”, randomized, placebo-controlled testing!...COUNTLESS lives SAVED!!🤔🇺🇸 #WWG1WGA
To Be CLEAR! — Penicillin was DISCOVERED in 1928 by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming...People began USING it to treat infections in 1942!!😎🇺🇸 #KAG #WWG1WGA
A “CURE and a VACCINE”, Dr. Fauci?
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