GC feminists are evil bigots, beyond the shadow of a doubt. The proofs? Well let's look at them.

1- you're using outdated biology books (crime of the highest order). The new biological science, that has never been peer-reviewed btw, tells us sex is not a binary but a spectrum.
Just look at slugs, clownfish and ppl with DSDs. That's right, non-mammalian organisms and ppl with complex medical conditions invalidate the binary nature of sex which is at play in the creation of every single mammal that has ever lived on this planet. Life is a bigot!
2- the sex binary (the phenomenon of sexual reproduction that has evolved 100s millions of years ago) was created by white men & imposed on colonised cultures. Let's not pause to admire the anachronism & racism of this statement but let's just pretend biology is white supremacy.
Yes we know, but YOU said sex, you said DSDs, you said biology. Are you the ones conflating sex and gender so that males (sex) can be women (gender) & appropriate rights won on the basis of sex? Is it a trick?
4- gender is innate, the brain is sexed. Literally 1000s of scientific articles say so you moron!
GC fem: As scientists we have looked at some of these papers and they do not show the material existence of the highly elusive concept of gender identity in the brain.
They show tiny inter-individual variability in small brain structures that could be entirely explained by socialisation, body perception or trauma responses. Also those are invisible to the naked eye, while sex is observable from birth and informs...
5- saying female and male ppl exist and are different is biological essentialism and therefore anti-feminist!!

Really? Essentialism means certain bodies are innately prone to certain behaviours, it doesn't mean certain types of bodies have certain types of bodies 🤓
6- anyway TWAW, the clue is in the name, it's basic semantic and if black women are women, so are men. Rejecting males as women is racist, you bigot!!!
That's right, sea horses are horses in the same way Arabian horses are & saying they aren't is islamophobic. Got it? Me neither.
7- you are just a bunch of white, middle class Karens who are trying to gatekeep your cis-privilege.
Notice the arguments are sliding in the direction of name-calling but let's pretend it's ok, because bigots need no respect.
Actually there is no such thing as the privilege of
being born a girl in a world where we are degraded, assaulted, dehumanised, objectified and exploited by men irrespective of our skin colour and socio-economic background. But let's pretend authorised rape, VAW, forced marriage, the sex pay gap, medical misogyny... do not exist.
8- women are also predators & men rape women with impunity anyway so you can stuff your sex-based rights.
Inventing statistics and facts in order to justify the abolition of safeguarding is an abuser's tactic but let's not get that knowledge in the way of men's sexual freedom.
There are many more ludicrous and insultingly idiotic "arguments" that we are supposed to take seriously and that allegedly justify the dehumanising and monstering of radical feminists or GC ppl. Don't we think that women, children, GNC ppl and society deserve better than this?
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