People are seeking change in #Belarus, and the regime has been responding with brutality, believing it will scare people off the streets. 

But protests are only growing and strikes spreading.

Trying to instil fear has failed. 
There comes a point in every dictatorship when people are more disgusted with the regime than afraid of it.

And when people see thousands together in public and realise they are stronger than the dictator.

When hope outweighs fear.

It seems that #Belarus is there now.
Haven’t seen a face like that since Nicolae Ceaușescu’s final speech in Bucharest, 21 December 1989...
Further proof both of the regime’s repression and how scared Lukashenko’s henchmen are right now...

I doubt this desperate move will stop the rising tide against him however. People managed to hold revolutions for millennia without the internet.
Interesting thread on #Belarus...
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