What will Happen to Earth If Oxygen Disappears For Five Seconds.

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Oxygen is one exiting gift nature has blessed us with. Human beings can't go five minutes without breathing in oxygen. Oxygen is so essential to human beings because, we live by it, and we won't survive without it. 21% of Earth's air is also occupied by oxygen.
Now, let me take you through this article by revealing what would have happened to earth if oxygen disappears for 5 good seconds.

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1. Buildings & Houses would turn into dust.
2. Most Vehicles would stop working immediately.
3. Airplanes in the air will eventually starts crushing down.
4. Oceans would evaporate.
5. Just like the oceans our body would also evaporate into space.
6. The ground beneath us would not exist anymore.
7. The world would literally come to an end.
Pathetic isn't it? Let's all be grateful for the existence of oxygen. Oxygen is also one the reasons why planet Earth is a unique planet in the Solar System.

Credits: thescientistfacts
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