This is the core of the Conspiracy. And one we all need to unite on. Let me start by focusing, on the person reading this. I want to say, from a complete internet stranger that I love you and I want the best for you.
Because you are another aspect of myself, and deserve love and safety just as much as I do. You are my fellow man, and I do not care what skin color you have as you read these words or what view points of reality you have. You are a brother. You are a sister. We are a family.
We are a human alien animal family. We are a creative powerful species capable of amazing feats when we come together. We bicker, we fight. We struggle, we compete. We survive. We do what we must in a world ripe with negativity.
But in the end, when everything settles, creative light and love are at the core of who we are. We are meant to love one another, not hurt each other. We have the potentials for so much abundance for all, but a select group of power thirsty power over others, service to self
group of psychopaths are not satisfied with what they have and always seek more. This is what greed is. Truly advanced technologies that could benefit all of mankind, suppressed because it would put these "elites" out of control and power.
We no longer need to call them elite, for they are not. They are scum of the earth and are in direct harm to mankind itself and wish nothing more than for us to destroy ourselves while they laugh on the side lines.

These are the powers that were.
The cabal. The New World Order(s). The Shadow Government. Names come and go, but their dark tentacles linger in the shadows.

Their gig is up. Their time is over. The show is up for them and they know it.
This is a Spiritual Play of Cosmic proportions and we are all actors in one giant awakening and remembering of divine consciousness and remembrance of what and who we are. Their negativity, control, fear, and war has done a toll on this earth, but it also back fired on them.
When you go so far into the darkness, it only makes it that much easier to snap back into the light. We have been held in a dark quagmire for so long, have felt the emptiness of what dark truly is, and have made our collective choice to wake the fuck up and move the fuck on
from this barbaric system we have constructed. Total chaos it may look like to all of us looking at reality right now. The truth is, change is always happening, and for a new reality that we all collectively want to happen,
all old negative belief systems of control and patterns must break down. People have tweeted a few times about the Mayan Calendar and how the 2012 end times scare was truly a new birth of consciousness for man kind. A golden age of consciousness if you will.
This has been heavily documented and researched and has been a pretty interesting topic of discussion.

You may ask where I am going with all of this. What I am leading up to. When you make the personal choice to start finding the truth of our reality, things happen.
Synchronicity, Law of Attraction, Numerology. You begin to notice patterns, realize things are a lot more connected than you realize and there is a hidden world all around us that we cannot see.

Shockingly, i like quoting Nikola Tesla to make a comparison for this.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

We all exist on a certain frequency or wave length. Our bodies are dialed into this third dimensional time frame of existence.
We all resonate to this frequency, thus we are all in tune with each other and the third dimension itself. If you have heard of Mass Consciousness, it ties into this. This is why group meditations can apparently be so powerful.
Now, think about if you truly knew the truth of our reality, and could manipulate that global consciousness to your own will. Like a few Border Collies slowly leading a group of sheep in a direction. I hate using the sheep analogy but I hope I am providing a picture.
Because of our Third Dimensional Reality, and the Universal Law of Free Will, this reality, or freqency, let's others experience and partake either in service to self or service to others. The Law of One is what this understanding is.
Because we are behind a veil of amnesia, and do not truly know or remember everything we have experienced, it makes this illusionary reality seem "real" it makes it seem like you are your body and nothing more. It makes it so easy to think and believe that.
I do not want to go into this too much but I implore you to think about the Possibilities that we are truly eternal souls that never die, and our Physical Bodies at this time are nothing more than a vessel for this time frame of existence. Imagine such powerful perspectives,
and then imagine what can be gained by keeping that kind of information from you. Imagine how much easier it would be to control a society that is unaware of what and who they are.
Imagine how hard it would be to control a fully conscious self aware society that realizes we are more than.

These 8,000 - 10,000 people They Rebel against creation itself and attack, control, destroy it.
The thing is, this all boils down to Zionism. A long, long, deep rooted system of beliefs that has permeated mankinds existence.

This world is run, and controlled, by these savages, & how they use Sex Rings, MKUltra Monarch Mind Control, to Split victims personalities.
And how blackmail is collected on people wishing to get into power structures or into "the top of the pyramid" where access is only given to those that allow themselves into initiations. Or worse... This is dark stuff, but it needs to be discussed.
This is how these psychopaths run the world, and also gives them protection from Good people trying to go after them because they ultimately control key positions of power & have prevented investigations. This is why they hate awareness. This is why they hate Unity.
Divide and conquer is their favorite swindel. Get your enemy distracted fighting themselves, and they are less of a threat to your own agenda.

Get mankind so hateful towards itself, towards the "other" persons skin color and sexual orientation of preference.
They stand no chance to take you down when we are busy dividing ourselves.

This is their bread and butter. This is why we have share blue. Why we attract trolls and shills. This is why astroturfing exists. If you control the world, you control the money.
If you control the money, you control the people. If you control the people, you control the world. You control media, you control Big Pharma, you control access to technology. You set up this big ploy while the citizens of both countries are scared and fighting each other,
the powers that were sit in the stands laughing and cheering as fellow man destroy themselves, completely oblivious to the spectators looking on and instigating us.

This game is boring. This reality is controlled. The chains have moved from the physical to the spiritual.
This is the big conspiracy. This is where it all leads to.

Please. Educate yourself. Bring awareness and light to this subject. Drop seeds of truth here and there with friends and family in twitter replies Everywhere. Look for the truth you will find it the truth is within us.
The moment you look outside ofyourself for the truth that is the moment you confirm you do not fully understand. Navigate with Your own awareness and gut feelings.

We have to come together as one, as we truly are.
And free this world from the shackles that it has been placed in for thousands and thousands of years. I implore you, a fellow human, to please ponder these things and find a way to help in your own manner. We can stop this TODAY if we collectively chose to do so.
Screenshot tweets, Share videos and links with them. Let them come to their conclusion and realize that this is indeed happening. Some will refuse. The more mankind awakens, the further some will create lies to continue their safe reality they have created for themselves.
This is fine. We cannot push judgments or opinions as we all have our own way of viewing reality and if people wish to remain ignorant to the truth, that is their choice to do so.

We do not actually need to waste energy attacking each other anymore.
Pushing opniions and trying to create a i am right you are wrong scenario only further divides us and builds ego and fills our heads (unless you troll for fun etc). Mistakes are bound to happen and we need to use them as a learning tool instead of a thing we need to avoid.
You can follow @MisterNikolaT.
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