It’s true. I started my PhD over in a new lab/field 4.75 years in....profs kept telling me time lost was a drop in the bucket of a scientific life. This was hard to hear. Easy for them to say..what about my life plans? What about the gap I would have to explain forever? 1/
In the end, they were right. In the next lab, I got to pick my own projects & defended only 2.5 yrs later. It felt like a mini-postdoc & set me up to hit the ground running & have a very successful actual PD. Can’t even remember last time I had to explain time lost, if ever 2/
It’s important you learn how to finish things but no one is living your life to know your exact circumstances. So your time spent relative to others isn’t a measure of your worth 4/
It took me many years and hindsight to realize that strange paths weren’t the exception but the rule. Maybe not in the same exact way, but it helped to see that I was not uniquely cursed. This sh*t is hard & life sometimes has plans you didn’t intend. 5/
So be kind to yourself as you push to finish things & don’t let the time itself get you down. 6/6
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