I think what folks are trying to say is that when people use pirating sites instead of official sources that diverts traffic and revenue away from companies that localize (not just dubbing but subtitling) and bring over these shows in a timely manor...
Most pirate sites these days just rip official releases. The less money these places make, the less they have to invest in bringing over shows. Does anyone really want a return to the old fansub days? Like folks missing this that bad?
Another consequence is if you like the adaptation or not, licensing fees are source of income for Japanese companies making these shows. Maybe not as lucrative as merch, but defs still a source of income that would dry up if localization wasn't happening...
Point is, y'all can watch a TON of stuff free online with adds. Is it perfect? Probably not. Are you still allowed to not like some things? Sure, go nuts! Just understand why some folks ain't thrilled with people taking money out of their pockets.
And understand that if these sites that are bringing over all these shows went away, it'd hurt folks who like to pirate as well, since there wouldn't be official releases to rip. Just...perspective.
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