[1] Remote Viewing (RV) is the practice of sensing or seeking impressions about the energetic signature of a distant or unseen target, using activated skill sets inherent within Higher Sensory Perception
[2] That generally start to come online during spiritual development for Lightbody activation or during the Awakening process.
People that are limited to the 3D perceptions of the reality will not experience nor understand this natural function of the Soul body.
[3] With the inner activation of one’s natural soul language during spiritual Ascension, conscious perceptions then start to change and evolve into increasing levels of multidimensional awareness and subtle force communication. We start to remember again.
[4] This instigates new interdimensional communication skill sets generally referred to as Telepathy, Channeling, multidimensional awareness, perceiving reality pictures in time, Remote Viewing and getting downloaded information from assorted sources.
[5] The source of subtle forces using interdimensional communication are filtered through the mind-set of the individual, influenced by the Collective Consciousness mind programming of humans and non-humans, directed by hierarchies of entities and dimensional structures
[6] Starseeds and Indigos have a biology and Lightbody that is more predisposed to this ability, and thus tend to be the majority of awakening groups that can remote view or engage with similar types of energy sensing techniques.
[7] As an individual intends to develop their consciousness and spiritual bodies, along with their unique DNA signature, it is possible to experience Consciousness Transport activities that include Remote Viewing and sensing a variety of energy phenomena
[8] The potentials of what can be sensed and explored energetically in the dimensional fields are indeed limitless. The caveat is that the mind must be incredibly strong and stable, fearless and anchored in the truth spirit, in order to withstand the immense pressure of knowing.
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