Hi, information expert here! It is precisely because we have so much access to information that we are the dumbest people alive, because information literacy was completely ignored as a problem until it was already too late. It didn’t have to be this way! https://twitter.com/lizhackett/status/1295066185428373507
Right now, lots of smart people are trying to figure out how to reverse engineer information education to deprogram your granddad but it probably won’t work and a huge swath of the population is a lost cause. There’s some hope for the kids though!
I spend a lot of my time trying to figure out the most elementary way to explain things to people who should already know how to find the answer, and let me tell you, it is frustrating.
We gifted humanity with a device that has all the information ever recorded on it, and then didn’t bother to teach people how to use it.
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