How stupid is @AnnCoulter?

She blames @realDonaldTrump for a trend that existed for 40 YEARS BEFORE TRUMP TOOK OFFICE.
Trend is the result of LEGAL IMMIGRATION.

Was Trump supposed to deport AMERICAN CITIZENS based on race or ethnicity?

I know that a lot of people have decided that it's time to be crazy, but WHY?

What is it they want?
Coulter supported the strange 1950s robot @MittRomney.

I voted for him, but only because Obama was beyond horrible.

Now we can see what kind of a president Romney would've been.

Am I the only person sick of eternally negative weirdos?
Coulter also hates @jaredkushner


This is why I'm totally apolitical.

Politics is for deranged, corrupt, miserably unhappy freaks.

Trump is PROVING what losers all our presidents have been.

They pussed out on everything.
I haven't watched a single political talk show since 2015, when the sheer moronism and irrationality off all our journalists, pundits, and professors came roaring out into the sunlight.

My brother and I knew that Trump would win.

We'd studied him.

Nobody else has.
I knew that Obama would be a total flop because I'd studied him too.

He was a Chicago machine politician. There was no way he could be anything BUT a flop.

And he's butt-ignorant.

"Austrian" as a language?!
Under Obama, we implemented the pre-failed strategy of arming and training Syrian rebels.

The Pentagon had ONE program, and the CIA has a COMPETING program.

They trained "moderate Islamists," who don't actually exist.

That's like saying "moderate extremists."

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and Jaysh al-Thuwar DESTROYED ALL ISLAMIST GROUPS IN SYRIA.

The leader of HTS is Abu Mo0hammed al-Julani.

Absolutely NOTHING is known about him.

He's the only "jihadist" emir left from 2011.
Jaysh al-Thuwar have no known outside patrons, but they use highly advanced weapons such as fuel-air explosives with directed blast effect.

Both HTS and Jatsh al-Thuwar have air power that's never been filmed.

By the sound, they're turboprops.
By the battle-damage assessment, they're gunships with side-mounted automatic cannons.

Both HTS and Jaysh al-Thuwar are able to carry out up to 21 SIMULTANEOUS ground offensives.

HTS killed ALL of Turkey's jihadist lackeys in northwest Syria from January 1 to 10, 2020.
I have no idea what this HTS fighter is wearing.

He was one of the men who stopped a jihadist convoy cold and killed all the running terrorists.

Whatever he's wearing, it's FUNCTIONAL, not decorative.

And he hates being filmed.
Currently, HTS is planning on becoming a POLITICAL PARTY.

How many former al-Qaeda branches have done that?

Al-Julani will either "die" or retire.

Back to Saudi Arabia.

He's a Saudi agent. I have no doubt.

We could've killed him a million times. He not hiding.
So while these childish American primates focus on the border wall, Trump FIXES EVERYTHING.

The only thing I hadn't expected was how easy it would be for him to distract and deceive everyone.

That's why I no longer admire ANYONE in journalism or punditry.

They're idiots.
Cognitive rigidity is a prison.

Don't be like Ann Coulter.



Coulter is also a fascist who wants Trump to occupy American cities with the armed forces.

Not only NOT "Trump's America," not even AMERICA.

It's a handful of leftist CITIES.

Coulter wants Republicans to AGAIN save Democrats from themselves. No way.
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