Alryt, here is my weird belief on twin flames. Please note that my views are not the gospel - we can never believe in the same things. While this is rubbish to some, it isn’t to many of us. These are my personal views.

A twin flame is a person who is so similar to you in that you both share the same SOUL but it’s in TWO different bodies - SPLIT in halves.
A twin flame isn’t a twin birthed from the same womb DNA wise, no. While it can be, it isn’t that. Identical twins can be oil and water.
A twin flame is not a soul mate, infact a twin flame is scarier than a soul mate in my belief.
Ever met someone that you connected with on a level that you can never describe? A person that is YOU in another body? You could even meet this person at a party and then you never see them again. It doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship.
When I say I wouldn’t want to meet mine it’s because I have a weird theory that these two halves split into two bodies can not live in the same place, together, in real time, within the same energies because there can only be ONE “you” in the same “vicinity”.
You know how two people can look identical but they’re from different parts of the world & aren’t even related? That’s PHYSICAL. A twin flame is in SPIRIT - one soul poured in two different bodies but it’s supposed to belong to one person.
Many people who I have personally identified as twin flames in romantic relationships, have lost their partners through death. I believe that once these souls connect in the physical, one has to depart in order for one body to be “full” as it had been half & half before.
Basically, a twin flame is another YOU in a different body.
A twin flame is like a “mirrored” INSIDE. It’s not physical, it’s all the way in the spirit. Reciprocation is so uncanny.

I don’t know how to explain it really but I hope you get it. Thanks byeeee ❤️
Peace out 😘
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