Why the Hacking of the USPS is such a big deal.
Elections involve 50 States
Over 3100 Counties
Tens of Thousands of Voting Precincts

When taken on a Precinct Level the amount of Votes required to flip an Election is tiny.

From our work in 2017

These are the amount of votes on the 3 deciding states that cost Hillary the election. Take an average precinct size in these states of between 700-800 votes and realize how impossible it would be to see a hack.
Wisconsin 7 votes per precinct

Pennsylvania 5 votes per precinct

Michigan 3 votes per precinct

Now these numbers could be comprised of

Voter Purges
Votes Not Counted
Mail in Ballots Late or Rejected
Defective or Hacked Voting Machines
Here is where it gets even worse. If a Voting Machine is capable of flipping a vote. It is a net change of 2 Votes. So take these numbers and cut them in half.

Wisconsin 3.5 voters per precinct

Pennsylvania 2.5 voters per precinct

Michigan 1.5 voters per precinct
This is why I believe Cambridge Analytica was targeting voters on Social Media using Voter Registration Files and Precinct Data.

These numbers are too small to see what is happening.
I don’t want to hear we can work around the USPS Hack. Many of us can. Most Voters aren’t on Twitter. Many in fragile health or are concerned about Covid. Many don’t know the alternate ways to get their Mail in Ballot delivered outside of USPS.
And no matter how many we inform the number that will have problems getting their votes counted as a result will be many times higher than the numbers I am showing here. It is a big deal. It isn’t like it is the only obstacle to Voting they are putting in front of us.
Here is the breakdown I published on this subject from 2017. It is eye opening.

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