Why you should play @pathofexile – The thread
Path of exile or PoE it’s an ARPG developed by Grinding Gear Games. The game it’s about to make his 10th anniversary, so i decide to celebrate doing a thread to show u guys why PoE it’s THE BEST ARPG!
The game, like i said, its developed by Grinding Gear Games, a company founded in 2006 on Auckland, New Zealand, directed by Cris Wilson. He, together some buddys have the ideia of making a Diablo like game. And after a lot of work and support Path of Exile was born
PoE comes from a Diablo reference, cause the developers are huge fans from the franchise. The game had his first open beta in jan. 2013 and was realease late 2013.
The game is completly F2P (Free To Play), nothing on the store will make your character more powerful or give u advantage over other player. But u can buy AWSOME outfits and pets to make you look cool on the screen.
The store also provides some great things that can make you life in the game a lot easier
Talking about the world of the game. We play on Wraeclast a fantasy world with a dark atmosfer. The game has the most well rounded plot, with awasome dialoges and history about the past and present of the game. But why this game is so good?
In PoE u’ll find 7 classes, each with diferent subclasses for specialize on an unique way to play the game. You want to play with a Witch that uses a bow to make rain toxic arrows? You can. Or with a Templar that summon a totem that shots arrows? Yes sir, you can.
You are free to play whatever you want with any character you want. If that’ll be effective on the long term, that’s another story
The game has a itemize skill system, where u can socket your skills on your gear. And u can make your skill powerfull by linking some suport gems on it.
The item system is complety amazing, beside having a huge base of itens, each item has a deep pool of mods that can help your character survive or give him a huge damage buff. And survive on Wraeclast it’s importante.
Beside that huge item pool and possibilities, Path of Exile it’s know by his HUGE, AWSOME, BEAUTIFUL AND SCARY passive tree. Every point on that tree is there to make you char more powerfull or make him stay alive longer or to change the way you play the game
But chose with wisdom cause you only have 121 point to spend, so the goal is to hit the perfect balance between damage and ways to stay alive.
Now that u have the basic knowlege on how the game works, let me tell you what make PoE the most awsome game for me.
With a content renewal system of the game, beside the base contente of the game, over the year we have updates on the form of leagues, currently we have 4 league every year, with the updates happening on march, june, setember and december
Each league breing completly new mechanic, that can or cannot be put on the core game in the end of that league cycle. Depends of the players feedback and the vision of future that the devs have about the game.
So 4 time a year, you have a fresh start to adventure yourself again, like for the first time. This fresh start keeps the game alive and growing as the year goes by
Each league bring mechanics that make the game more Challenger and rewarding. And brings new aspects that make the game look very diferent from the other games out there.
On the pass we had leagues with Tower Defense aspects, where we had to control and destroy haves of moster to keep a yellow lump alive
Recently he have to challenge ourselfs on a system that looks like those farm games.
Open up portal that realease waves of monsters or kill creatures from the cracks on the ground, or even go on the deepest place of the earth looking for some blue stuff to help a guy with his adiction.
Every mechanic change the game on iconic ways. And not every league goes to the core of the game, so is fun to know you had the oportunitty to play something that some people cant play anymore.
The game change constantly so, if u played PoE 2 or 3 years ago, give another chance cause the game has grown a lot in the last years;
A lot of the mechanics going core or not, goes with the fact that GGG listen the player and talk alot with the community. They are always open to know what we are thinking, ways to make the game better, what is wrong on the player point of view etc.
And they’re always willing to make changes that doesnt go agains their thoughts about what the game is and where the game needs to go.
Nothing keep a game more alive then the interest of those who play it. GGG knows that, and they do all those thing with a awsome set of Devs that are always looking on what people has to say (Hi @bexsayswords !)
But not always the Community has something nice to say, and like every other game, sometimes people are toxic mean, and do agry posts on fóruns that turn someones job realy difficult.
And talking about the Community PoE has an awsome group of content creators that show the most fun ways to enjoy this game. We have streamers, youtubers, fóruns, sites and a lot o people that are willing to help and make the game more easier for those that are new in wraeclast
And talking about making the things easier, guides and tutorials are your best friends in the beggining. The game have a lot of content and with 4 updates every year, you can imagine the amount of contente that made into the core over the last years
So, if you have come untill here i hope that this thread have made you curious about the game, and all the good things that this game brings to the table. So look for some footages the game is realy fun and worh it of your time.
In a few weeks we have a new league and i hope to see new faces arround Lioneye’s Watch!
Thank you for your time <3
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