It's taken a while to write this thread but huge shout out to our outgoing @YoungGreenParty Exec! 🌱

@thomashazell1, @mj_hull, @TreenaSib, @Eco_Ty, @georgiezo, @nettle_alex, @beccavane, @NannetteY_95 - comrades, it's been truly awesome! 💚

And 😲 we did SO much! 👇
In week one (yes one!), we were delivering a full-day's activist skills workshop for group and society organisers at Green Party HQ!

So many of these groups have continued to raise the roof this year and delighted so many of these people are now so active in our party! 🌱
Weeks later we were delivering a massive presence at the global #YouthStrike4Climate. 🌍✊

Young Greens spoke at rallies, joined marches and @thomashazell1 and I even took over @TheGreenParty Twitter account for the day while the staff team joined the strikes too! 🐦
We coordinated a powerful presence at @TheGreenParty Autumn Conference!

💬 Delivered the first ever YG Co-Chair plenary speech!
🌱 Ran an awesome intro to the YGs workshop!
🌍 Coordinated an inspiring main panel on the school strikes!
✊ Organised to defend trans rights!
(special shout out here to @TreenaSib for finding us the wildest ride / night's stay in a "Jumbo Cruiser" at Green Party Conference). See below for all you need to know! 😂
At the massive national demonstration for a People's Vote in Ocotber:

📢 I was lucky enough to kick off the Left Bloc!
📰 This speech got picked up in the Guardian live blog (thanks to @nettle_alex!)
✊ And we showed a strong Young Greens presence (no matter the weather!) 🌧️
And when the General Election hit we mobilised Young Green activists all across England and Wales through:

💻 Online mass mobilising calls (we did zoom before it was cool!)
📞 Called 100s and 100s of members (some more than once!)
🙋‍♂️ Signed up 100s of new volunteers online
For the General Election, we contributed 100+ shifts of canvassing and leafletting across 18 Action Days in target and development seats! 🗳️

This meant thousands upon thousands of leaflets delivered and thousands of conversations with voters spreading the Green message!
Joined by @Amelia_Womack and @natalieben, we brought dozens of Young Greens across the water for Big Weekends of Campaigning in the Isle of Wight!

We were there to support the ever incredible @VixL in her campaign to steal a seat from the Tories! 💚
We took dozens of Young Green activists to Bristol for Big Weekends of campaigning in support of the amazing @carla_denyer!

This included launching our young trans rights pledge at the Bristol Trans Pride rally with @natalieben! ✊
The moment the election results landed and the Tory majority was cemented, we ORGANISED.

✊ We launched a petition calling for an end to the rigged system that put Boris in power!

✊ AND hosted an emergency organising call with @alexforeurope and @Amelia_Womack!
In the new year, we hit the ground running with an awesome national event in Manchester - #ResistToryRule!

With workshops from @UnlockDemocracy and @GreenNewDealUK, we started talking about what it means to build power from the grassroots!
The very next weekend, we're delivering a three-day intensive activist training course for the new cohort of 30 under 30 (after having whittled down the candidates from 250+ submissions!)

Huge props to @TreenaSib for some unbelievable organising skills on this one ✨
When lockdown began, we launched a mass online programme of political education to fight through the crisis.

This involved 14 online talks and Q&As from radical campaigners and activists within our party and movement.

And get this - almost 1000 people signed up to at least one!
Alongside our programme of political education, we've been devising and delivering two hour activist skills trainings for members, and launched an online Green Politics Book Club!

250+ people signed up to our initial Press Training with @natalieben and we kept momentum up!
Then @thomashazell1 pulls out the bag an amazing series of online hustings for the Green Party leadership and House of Lords elections!

Dozens tune each night to hear from our candidates on everything from their vision for the Green Party to their favourite biscuit! 🍪
In the last two weeks, we launch a campaign to stand up for A-level & GCSE students facing injustice.

From day 1, we were the only political youth wing calling for abolishment of the flawed algorithm.

Our petition has 10,000+ signatures right now! 👇
Team, it's been a wild ride and an absolute pleasure! Looking forward to standing and organising with you in our fight for eco-socialism within the network, our party and wider movement!

🐉🐉🐉🐉 #TEAMDRAGON! 🐉🐉🐉🐉
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