Belarus is yet again a target of color revolution. Of former Soviet countries, Belarus has best resisted imperialist austerity and privatization, and has long been a high-priority target for a US-backed coup
Color revolutions have been a favorite tool of US imperialists since the success of Otpor! in Serbia. While giving a superficial appearance of a popular revolution, color revolutions are directed by and for imperialists, against the interest of the people
Belarus has long been a target of the leaders of the color revolution in Serbia. Those leaders now form CANVAS, an org which works to export color revolution against all anti-imperialist governments, and has had its hand in every color revolution to date
Student movements are often the vehicles for color revolution, with ZUBR forming the first primary org in Belarus. Directly trained by Otpor! members, they worked on the 2001 election with healthy backing from the US and others
Another student organization still working in the opposition is the Malady Front (aka Young Front), the BNF youth wing, some of whom joined ZUBR. Malady Front upholds fascists including Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevich of the Nazi-affiliated OUN
Many ZUBR activists moved to Poland, supposedly to escape political repression. Another organization closely involved, Charter 97, was funded by the Polish Solidarity Fund, which in turn receives funding from the US and others
In this way, Poland becomes a proxy, through which the US and western imperialist capital express their interests. BelSat, an anti-Lukashenko propaganda network, is one example- Poland-based and funded by various western governments
This is in line with various Polish projects against the current government of Belarus, some exposed in document releases from private intelligence firm Stratford. BelSat also works with US propaganda arm Radio Liberty
BelSat employed one of the main figures in pro-color-revolution media, Poland-based Stepan Putilo. He founded a Telegram channel called Nexta, which promotes anti-Lukashenko propaganda and directs protests. The source of funding is very unclear, and it's likely a front.
USAID and the State Department spent 10 million in Belarus in 2018, the most recent year with definite figures. Most of the recipients are redacted in their report.
On August 12 US Secretary of State Pompeo threatened the sovereignty of Belarus, hypocritically condemning treatment of protesters and stating that the US will take action. We must stand in solidarity against imperialist involvement!
Color revolutions are promoted on US media, misrepresented to gain support. Anti-imperialists must counter these lies, as color revolutions will never benefit the people, they only benefit the imperialists and compradors
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