I’m FL to cover election integrity & the Primary against Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who often votes in line with Republicans. The beach is beautiful this time of year but unbearably hot.

Btw did you know that Wall Street is happy with Kamala Harris as VP?
Did you know that Harris jailed more Black & Brown people than nearly any other prosecutor?

Did you know Biden wrote The Crime Bill in 1994, signed by Clinton, and enabled people like Harris, Trump and others to jail Black & Brown people?
Did you know the establishment rigged the elections in 2000 for George W Bush against Al Gore & in turn he led us into one of the most costly, long & deadly wars, the war in Iraq, in our history, a distant war we’re still in which people born after 2001 were old enough to...
still fight today, and that it was all on a lie of weapons of mass destruction, which were non existent, & we gave Saudi Arabia weapons, creating terrorists, and it’s plagued the Muslim community with hatred & killed hundreds of thousands abroad via drones and bombs?
Did you know that there’s more you can do other than vote, like go Third Party or #GeneralStrike while still supporting down ballot candidates in democratic or third party runs for congress or local races?

Did you know that Democrats are paying ZERO attention to swing states...
& the Midwest which were destroyed economically by neoliberal polcies like NAFTA/TPP & which turned many Democrats away to Trump? These are likely going red.

Did you know neoliberalism that started with Reagan &continues today and is why we have Trump, because people felt...
abandoned by Democrats with the outsourcing of jobs abroad?

Did you know that Obama took us from 2-7 wars and bailed out Wall St, in the first largest transfer for wealth in 2008 but he speaks well so no one cared?

Did you know that under Obama with Hillary Clinton as SOS...
we want to Honduras & ousted democratically elected leader Manuel Zelaya (who had given universal healthcare & lifted poor people out of poverty) in favor of our pro CIA puppet, which led to turmoil, civil unrest and death in Honduran people, which led them to mass immigrate...
to the U.S, which led to most of the caravans Trump & co complained about?

Did you know that half of America is unemployed and evictions will begin a wave of more homeless people?

Did you know Congress is on vacation after not coming up with a better plan for COVID relief...
than Trump’s executive order, which was shit but better than nothing & they tried to oppose that, which is why you’re getting nothing right now?

Did you know Millennials and Gen Z have lived to see the largest transfer of wealth twice (the largest being the CARES ACT)?
Did you know that America has 700 military bases around the world, to “promote democracy” but really we are trying to impose capitalism & colonize everyone, take their resources, exploit them, & don’t care unless we get something out of it because we feel we have the right...
under the Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny?

Did you know that Democrats rigged the elections not only in 2016 against Bernie Sanders & for Hillary Clinton (there’s cases in court and proof if you want to know) but also in 2020 & Obama was behind the scenes demanding...
everyone unite against Bernie with the “Stop Sanders Movement,” which led to the nomination of of Biden, one of the most weak candidates who didn’t win Iowa or New Hampshire or even came close?

Did you know Kamala Harris couldn’t win her own state and dropped out even with...
the entire backing of the establishment to be the favorite & was endorsed by Obama but somehow she’s now the VP, which may mean POTUS looking at Biden’s health, meaning she was selected not elected?

Did you know we aren’t allowed to look at our election machines & they’re...
privately owned by a corporation?

Did you know we’re the only majorly country in earth without universal healthcare?

Did you know we’re the only majorly country in earth without universal healthcare?

Did you know that our MIC funds Israel’s crimes against Palestinians &...
others & gave weapons to Saudi Arabia who is using it to exterminate people in Yemen?

Did you know the police are an arm of this MIC?

Did you know MLK was a socialist but you were never taught that because they taught you a white washed pro capitalist version of history,...
which is empire education, so you don’t question and think we are the good guys?

Did you know that polls showed Sanders would beat Trump by the largest margin if he had been the nominee?

There’s so much to know.

Never stop learning.
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