Sometimes it is the little things. I've had a... difficult weekend. But one thing that got under my skin was my nine-year old son telling me about seeing a person shooting up at T station in Boston. /1
Now, my childhood was not what most middle-class white people would describe as sheltered... but I never saw anyone shoot smack. Certainly not at nine.

I also didn't grow up in Boston in the 21st century. /2
When my son was younger, we were living in Dorchester. One factor in my deciding to move was the junkies who got on and off at Andrew Station (there's a methadone clinic nearby).

Call me snooty, but I didn't want my kid growing up with a normalization of heroin addiction. /3
Of course, we are lucky. He and I talk about this all the time. Not only do we live in a rich nation and have enough food to eat, but what I don't mention is that he doesn't have to see *his parents* shooting up or taking meth.

Not every child is that lucky. /4
And yes, even before COVID and the economic collapse, New England was in the midst of a opioid epidemic (lets not forget that this was driven by the for-profit drug industry). So the recent crises are layered on top of other crises.

Some days the societal collapse hits home. /5
I don't know where I'm going with this, other than damn but the game is up.

I'm sorry. We're never going back to "normal." We need a complete overhaul of our society.

It's Socialism or Barbarism. /6/end
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