Given ableism is at the heart of these theories and all forms of resistance to evidence based covid measures, and all forms of bigotry, it's no longer enough to not be ableist, it's time to address ableism's key role in perpetuating white supremacy and be actively anti-ableist.
Ableism is the core tenet in phrenology; in the white supremacist ideology; the 'untraceable' weapon in colonial genocide by disease and apathetic responses to influenza, in NZ, Samoa, in all colonies, it has justified the institutionalisation of 1000s of children and minorities.
Individualist and psychological approaches to ableism, as with racism and all forms of bigotry bring about the camouflage of the techniques/socio-historical framework/ established structures in which this individualised (and often pathologised) bigotry is able to flourish.
In treating this as an individualised problem, portraying bigots as outliers rather than what they are; the most dedicated adherents of our racist/ableist colonial systems, we enable both their ongoing perpetration and structual oppression they reinforce.
Holism is critical to remedying ongoing failures to meaningfully address colonialism and individual prejudice, eg siloed campaigns like "Give Nothing to Racism" produced by colonial apparatus camouflage the role that apparatus plays in reproducing bigotry.
and in reality a colonial country is an ableist country:
Noting that Fanon's text was published in 1958 and still its focus and criticisms remain central to dismantling the structures which have enabled the obstacles before us now to continue to manifest and flourish.
Anyway you get the point, this is great thread:
Not only is it incredibly relevant to ongoing issues but swapping out 'racism' for any other -ism or phobia leads to exactly the same conclusions.
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