I wonder if @realDonaldTrump in his secret heart of hearts ever feels the frustration I do?

People simply refuse to grasp what this means.
"That guy just won his primary! It's really scary!"

"If they're acting this way now, how will they act after Trump wins! It's really scary!"
I shouldn't have to spell this out, as though I'm talking to children, but I guess it's necessary.

The more people like that guy are elected, the better it is for Republicans.

It means Republican presidents and a Republican Congress for the next 50 years.
See, these people are so radical that only radicals elect them.

The Democrats need moderates in order to take Congress, and they need STEALTH moderates to take the presidency.

When the Democrats become cartoon Marxist maniacs, they lose power.
When Democrats support going into the suburbs and threatening the residents, they lose power.

What YOU want, my dear scared little mice, is civilized Democrats who have a chance to win and ruin your lives.

Like Obama and Hillary.

That's what you want.
What I want is for Democrats to act out and make the entire country turn against them.

Too many of us have been brainwashed by TV, movies, computer games, and conspiracy theories into thinking that stupidity and self-destruction are pure genius.
You watch piles of garbage like movies with Joker and think he's real.

There is no such person as Joker. He fits NO PARADIGM.

He was invented by vacuous leftists, and you uncritically gulped him right down.

In one way, it's good that you don't know what real evil is.
It means you didn't have to live your life dead.

But unlike YOU, I fear fear nothing.

YOU fear everything, especially improvement.

The brainwashing made you think that the country will become Gotham City.

You're ignoring the Heartland.
What's ACTUALLY happening is that the Democrats are marginalizing themselves to the point that they'll be totally irrelevant in just a few years.

The deranged radicals will stay in power for as long as Pelosi, Biden. Feinstein, etc.

Guess what THAT means?
The Democrats become the party of cavemen.

Screaming lunatics smashing things.

If it happens in blue cities, why is that YOUR problem?

I'm already on my own here in my blue city.

And I'm not afraid.

What will be, will be.
The country is SAVED.

The WORLD is saved.

You can fan yourself and collapse on the fainting couch, or you can enjoy the ride.

I don't care if you're afraid.

I don't want to hear from you.

Spreading fear is DEFEATISM.

You're going to be afraid no matter what so, telling me about your fear is passive aggression.

You're trying to dominate me.

Give up. It'll never happen.
I'm a Trump cheerleader.

Got that?

Go somewhere else for bad news.

I'm not a journalist. I'm under no obligation to present both sides.


It's sanity versus insanity.
EVERYTHING the Democrats are doing is insane.

It's like telling me that I must include Jesse Ventura's jibber-jabber.

The sad fact is that too many people have bizarre knee-jerk reactions to anything different.

Usually they react with hostility.
Passive aggression is HOSTILITY.

I'm not afraid, nor will I ever be.


This is a fear-free zone.

Go somewhere else to express your indestructible fear.

Am I getting through to you?

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