Fuck I need to reevaluate Settlers now goddamnit https://twitter.com/anti_minotaur/status/1295126210125729792
He is essentially talking about parallel status hierarchies like I did in that thread everyone chimped at me for lol

Basically the white working class is asked to abandon their own status hierarchy (largely material, ie capitalism-based) for that of the cosmo "revolutionaries"
Ie Cletus and Bubba need to get with a program of harrowing academic credentialism and the ever-shifting sands of social justice language and cultural shibboleths or they will forever remain social status untouchables, which is of course the point after all
To enter and keep up with such a status hierarchy primarily demands free time, lots and lots of free time. Ie it is the hierarchy of landed gentry who can be always online, not the status hierarchy of the laboring classes who are always pressed for time
So, walls are erected specifically to keep them out, to frustrate even the most well-meaning rurals, so the urbans can maintain status hegemony over them

Enter stage left, Republican party
Capitalism demands no such tributes, burning free time they do not have on a bonfire to prove their status. Instead it represents a system where by pure gumption or even dumb luck, even a complete prole like them might strike riches and thus move up in the status hierarchy
Compare to the "promise" of DSA types who underhandedly want to disable material competition (which they are, largely, losing badly at) and shift the ground to pure cognitive status competition while promising that everyone will be materially cared for
If material success is your only hope to ascend the status ladder, then how does a material ice age where everyone is frozen in place, yet comfortably, sound? Still unbearable lol, nobody, no matter how well-fed they are, wants to be an untouchable in status
"Hey bro why don't we stop playing this game where the bank is winning and instead play a game where I win? And you, kinda. Promise, tho I hate you and state so at every turn"

Lol who's gonna take this deal, anyone would tell you to eat shit
Simple lesson here is if the left wants actual working class support they will have to find a way to separate their status hierarchy from academic credentials and shibboleths and find something that even the barefoot proles with no time to spare can realistically compete in
So yea this is what Sakai means. This class will _never_ be "bound for glory" because your sadistic, self-aggrandizing standards define "glory" specifically in such a way that they can never attain it. And they know this, they are aware. Foh with your ~false consciousness~ cope
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