Did you know...

That Portland #Police Association ( #PPA) President Darryl Turner is also the President of #ORCOPS, the Oregon Coalition of Police & Sheriffs, which he helped launch in 2015?

#PortlandOregon #PortlandOR #PDX #PDXpolice #PoliceUnions #PoliceBrutality #PoliceReform
ORCOPS website says "ORCOPS uses the Portland Police Association office as a home base with an on-staff social media manager, in-house communications, and shared resources so our overhead is minimal."
Tom Perkins is the Secretary-Treasurer, who is also from the #PPA.

#pdx #gov
#ORCORPS touts itself as saying that their "members are the only law enforcement advocacy group in Oregon with a proven history of influence and representation in the State legislature."

This means they like to be involved in law & policy making.
#gov #Oregon #police #law #usa
In 2017, #PPA & #ORCORPS President Darryl Turner also helped create a nationwide #LawEnforcement advocacy group called #UCOPS, which stands for "United Coalition of Public Safety."

The website says "nine Law Enforcement Associations came together" but only displays 8 LEAs.
The #UCOPS site also lists the 13 current participating #PoliceAssociations in the group:

#PPA, #NYPD, #LAPD, LA Deputy Sheriffs, #LVPD, #SJPD, #SanDiego PD, #SFPD, #Omaha PD, #OaklandCA PD, #Sacramento PD, State of #Hawaii #PoliceOfficers, & #Seattle Police Officers Guild.
The #UCOPS website displays photos of officers engaging with youths, links to social media, a petition to "Back the Blue" & prominently displays statistical results of a "nationwide survey" on community attitudes towards #police.
The survey had only 1000 participants.
The #UCOPS mission statement:
UCOPS "works on behalf of law enforcement officers and the communities they serve nationwide to shape strong partnerships and break down communication barriers; building trust through active engagement, honest dialogue, education, and outreach."
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