I can completely understand the frustration independent and self-published authors have with the publishing industry. it *is* an excessively gate-kept and insular community, there's no denying that. for some authors, it's also utterly incomprehensible.
this can lead to exasperation and a sense that, well—
and while there are some authors who achieve great success with independently-published projects, please note that they are the exception, not the rule. comprehension of the entire publishing process takes time, attention, and energy.
this means that if you want to set up your own agency or publishing house, you had better be prepared to learn about the following:
- the editing process
- the publicity process
- the marketing process
- the production process
- the current bookselling/bookbuying market
- & more
it's not just "let me found a literary agency and represent authors!" any editor worth their salt in a publishing house will question who you are and where you come from. what do you know about contracts? what do you know about int'l rights? tv rights? sales pitches?
can you write quick, punchy cover copy? do you know how to pitch? can you *sell* the authors you're aiming to represent?

I absolutely respect authors wanting to found their own agencies on the basis of wanting to make the pub industry more accessible, but the base line is—
if you sign up to be an agent, then you've got to be able to *sell* your authors. that only comes from a deep, excavated knowledge of the market. and it also only comes with industry contacts. which independent authors, by virtue, do not have.
I do not critique independent agency/publishing projects because of a lack of empathy. I can understand your intentions are in the right place. my concern is that such new agents do not understand what those intentions entail, and will harm new authors in the process.
which is entirely *against* what you purport to support. so please, before embarking on such a knotty, complex project, *do your research*. gain the experience. and do not use your frustration with your process to cause damage to other authors' careers. /thread
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