A message to Sydney from Melbourne ---
Five things that must be done NOW to stop Covid19 spreading which will save hundreds of lives, hundreds of thousands of jobs and avoid a lockdown like Victoria:
1. Paid pandemic leave

80% of transmission in Vic was caused in workplaces. 1 in 3 workers have no sick leave. Fix it, give all workers sick leave now. The Fed Gment says they will pay for some of it, yr Premier has to act to implement it. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
2. Protect aged care homes

- Give adequate permanent shifts in one house
- Stop the use of labour hire
- Mandatory infection control training
- Ensure adequate staffing numbers & trained staff
- Prepare a surge workforce
Over 1200 health care workers are infected in Vic.
3. Make abattoirs safe

- Give adequate permanent shifts in one plant to stop ppl working across sites
- Stop the use of labour hire
- Put in place social distancing
- Set up testing sites
- Make sure safe work practices are enforced
4. Work from home

If you were working from home in April, you should be now. Limiting the number of times people come in contact with each other limits the virus spreading. Make work from home mandatory for all workers who can while there is community transmission.
5. Make masks wearing compulsory

Sure we had a whinge at first, but now its normal. Wearing a mask slows the virus spreading, so is a small price to pay compared to lockdowns & people dying. It changes also changes how you think and behave.
Complacency it the big threat of all. There needs to be strong, clear, enforceable rules in workplaces and the community. Leaving it up to individuals and individual employers “doing the right thing” is not enough. This is the clear lesson from Victoria.
You can follow @sallymcmanus.
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