Keep seeing people blow off these cluster announcements because “college students won’t die from this.” BUT fail to think about the permanent residents (of all ages) who will be impacted by college students using THEIR stores and community resources.
This viewpoint also neglects to recognize the housing and dining staff who have to come into close contact with students regularly. These staff members can be at ages that are deemed “higher risk” and their lives matter, too!
ALSO, college age people can still get severely sick and even potentially die from the virus, especially those who are immunocompromised or don’t have easy access to healthcare.
There are so many layers and people to think about when making decisions regarding health and safety. So yes, MAYBE we are at lower risk of dying, but the decision to keep campuses open does not ONLY impact college students.
And now if we are exposed, it’s unfair to our families and our home town communities to bring a virus back and expose more people. All of this could have been avoided by better planning and having an actual human conscience before bringing us all back to an unsafe environment.
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