HK plight in a nutshell:

HK has always been part of China. There's no such thing as imperial aggression.
In 1839~42, Britain waged war on China forcing open its doors in the name of free trade (“human rights” not yet invented) so it could thrust opium on China for huge profits.
2/ China lost that war, thus had to sign the devastatingly humiliating treaty turning over HK to Britain for 99 years and had to open its doors to massive opium trafficking. In reality, the British colonial rule lasted 156 years.
3/ China's system is neither capitalism nor communism. It's a pragmatic hybrid paying tribute to all systems. It's socialism with Chinese characteristics.😂
HK's huge disparity between rich & poor & its rule by tycoons is the legacy of its colonial laissez faire capitalism
4/ After its return to China, bound by the "one country two systems" principle, the CPC refrained from any intervention whatsoever resulting in the further exacerbation of disparity between the rich and the poor.
5/ The US/UK propaganda successfully turned the dissatisfaction of the HK poor towards the CPC, designating such discontent as fear of possible future loss of freedom. Rule by tycoons is the bane of HK, the irony is that
6/ one of the agitators of the HK pro-democracy protest is none other than HK billionaire tycoon Jimmy Lai.

HK riots now put under control thanks to HKNSL, there's talk of a HK poverty alleviation program predicated on the economic opportunities of the integrated “Big Bay Area”
7/ But given Xinjiang vocational training schools and mandarin language courses were viciously slandered as concentration camps and cultural genocide, any attempt of the CPC to help the HK poor is likely to meet with distrust, suspicion of ulterior motive if not outright hatred.
8/ China's targeted alleviation program is particular. It doesn't just give the poor money. It evaluates what everyone can do and orients each poor towards a metier. That's why it's called "targeted". This would certainly be distorted as profiling and surveillance.
9/ Xinjiang #UighurGenocide propaganda lies have done tremendous damage. The HK youngsters are so brainwashed & perverted by western propaganda, that the moment the CPC extends a helping hand to pull them out of their desperation (living in cages etc),
10/ they would spit kick bite and scream "murder". It doesn't help with the vicious western media waiting in the wings ready to pounce on the slightest suggestion of the CPC dictatorship taking over HK by first targeting its youth. One only has to see what happened when CPC sent
11/ medical teams to deploy mass Covid19 testing in HK. It was immediately maligned as an ulterior motive to collect DNA samples for the control of HK population.

Every government would be discouraged by so much hostility.
12/ The CPC had intended for the state companies in HK/bay area to reserve swathes of jobs for the poor rebellious young, but no company would dare to recruit the uncouth uncooperative young freedom fighters kicking shouting "You burn we burn with you!"😰
13/ Moreover, the moment you want to teach them mandarin to equip them with communication skills to serve their mainland customers, they will accuse you of “cultural genocide”.

Nobody hates China and the CPC more than the ideologically perverted HK freedom fighters.
14/ They are worse than the Uighurs, most of whom are grateful that the CPC has taken the trouble to provide training and employment to improve their standard of living despite the malicious western propaganda lies. Improving their mandarin opened up Uighurs' job prospects.
15/ Most Uighurs by now are fed up with the western propaganda lies of concentration camps destroying the image of Xinjiang, thus vicariouly destroying tourism and business in Xinjiang affecting their livelihoods.
16/ However, the rebellious HK youngsters are almost irredeemably lost to western propaganda. Their rejection of the CPC is total. This creates a comical situation. The one force likely to improve their lot and which has a long successful track record of doing so
17/ (860m liberated from poverty into prosperity) is rejected, spat at, called all kinds of names, passionately and viscerally hated. The HK youngsters are so alienated from reality that they still cherish the hope that...
18/ Daddy Trump and uncle Johnson will save them and catapult them into a democratic paradise by a magic wand, ie, sending troops to HK to liberate them...

Tricky situation...😰
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