Recently, I've been really pushing this Nick-produced Netflix cartoon called #GlitchTechs , specifically how its future is on the line, but I haven't really done that much to truly *sell* the show. So in this thread, I hope to convince you to check the show out.
To start with, the atmosphere *really* captures the world of video games and gaming culture. The first episode alone has this exciting tournament, immersive VR technology, and a lot of gaming-related techniques.

The passion is contagious and you can tell they did their homework.
The ideas are unbelievably imaginative though. A monster of the week-type show involving video game creatures, a secret society of Ghostbusters and MiB-type hunters, all played by a sort of
There's a lot of drama, heart, and reliability with this show too. The characters are unbelievably easy to connect with; even if you aren't into video games yourself, their basic passions, interests, and situations are the kind that could be applied to all sorts of contexts.
As for the technicals... it's from the same animation studio as Rise of the TMNT. 'Nuff said.

The soundtrack, however, is from the great Brad Breeck. It's just as addictive as the other shows he worked on, but adds this really pumping digitized vibe that adds to the atmosphere.
There's just so much to love about GT. And it needs your help.

See, production was put on hold a full year before it even released on Netflix. The 2nd and final completed batch is releasing tomorrow, and if it gets enough viewership and trending, it just might get renewed.
Maybe it's a long shot, but we should at least try to make a difference.

If you're interested, don't just watch the show. RT posts praising the show. Tell your friends to do the same. Tell Netflix & Nick you want more. We can save this wonderful passion project.
Hey guys, I suggest we all ask @netflix and @Nickelodeon to #RenewGlitchTechs . Get this show trending within the week, people!
You can follow @Toon4Thought.
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