It can be a red flag when an employer tells you "we're like a family" precisely because so many families are dysfunctional and think it's a sign of disloyalty to try and correct that dysfunction.
In movement spaces and non-profits, we have to be more pro-active about modeling healthy boundaries. Boundary setting is not being mean - it's a vital part of creating a different world, one that doesn't ask people to bear hardship in order to prove they're "down for the cause."
Good boundaries help keep relationships honest and sustainable. It's about unlearning toxic patterns that we may have been raised with and setting a balance between what others need and what you need.

I'm slowly making progress on trying to do better at this myself.
We cannot control other people - we can only change ourselves. Set good boundaries! You owe yourself that and it can help reset less-than-ideal patterns in your relationships.

"Signs that you have poor boundaries" by Psyched Mommy:
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