Weekly Update: Romance Date 4676.771. It's Admin's Melinda's 🐧 week to share. It's been a busy week in romance, so we've got a lot of exciting links and tweets to share with you all. Let's get started! #RomanceSparksJoy #RSJWeeklyUpdate
RWA officially banned Dreamspinner from their Qualifying Markets after they had more than enough chances. https://twitter.com/AveryFlynn/status/1293272562613485570?s=20
Jamie Wesley announced some great news—can’t wait to read this football/cupcake romance! https://twitter.com/Jamie_Wesley/status/1293552510079307778?s=20
Kianna Alexander also announced she has some great music-based books coming up! https://twitter.com/KiannaWrites/status/1293914164956545026?s=20
The Ripped Bodice owners discussed a few great recs you should add to your TBR. https://twitter.com/vervemagazine/status/1293327353783910402?s=20
An anthology about parenthood from our faves over at #RomanceClass was announced! https://twitter.com/agayskee/status/1293693231813730304?s=19
Another anthology with an amazing lineup from Adriana Herrera, Sierra Simone, Joanna Shupe, Zoe Archer, and Nicola M Davidson was announced as well. https://twitter.com/ladrianaherrera/status/1293904559807565824?s=20
And Adriana’s announcement re: the above lineup cracked me up lol! https://twitter.com/ladrianaherrera/status/1293954715240275968?s=20
This was a great peak into a cover shoot for Milla Vane for those who want the behind the scenes magic. https://twitter.com/hopefulleigh/status/1293889758956072960?s=20
Estelle with Forever posted some great tips for reviewers over on IG why need to get their ratio up (that may or may not be me...)

#BookstoreRomanceDay was celebrated on Saturday - here’s a great thread about why it happens. https://twitter.com/HarvardBooks/status/1294653311476539398?s=20
And let’s thank Billie for her hard work in putting this amazing day together! https://twitter.com/BkstoreRomance/status/1294872222394269696?s=20
There were so many events for #BookstoreRomanceDay - here’s a thread I put together of the ones that are available to view after the fact so if you missed any (like I did!) you can catch some by clicking through. https://twitter.com/MelindaEdits/status/1294253470112010241?s=20
It was an interesting weekend in Romancelandia and our admin team is made up of both authors and reviewers here - we fully support both strongly! Olivia put into words our feelings pretty well though. https://twitter.com/OliviaWrites/status/1294997469810634754?s=20
Check out Girl, Have You Read for a list of new releases for you to check out. https://twitter.com/GirlHaveYouRead/status/1292815462313742338?s=20
If you appreciate the work we do, please consider buying us a ko-fi to help fund giveaways of romances by underrepresented authors and other projects. Thank you! #RomanceSparksJoy #RSJWeeklyUpdate http://bit.ly/RSJkofi 
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